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Roadmap to Product Management

Roadmap to crack the PM Interview begins with understanding the nuances of Product Management.
We have made a comprehensive guide to help you learn product management and crack the PM Interview.
It begins with learning the theory around Product Management. Here are few topics you should learn.

Module 1 : Product Management 101 - Getting Started
1.1 What is Product Management?
1.2 What are the skills required to become a PM - Soft & Hard Skills?
1.3 Types of PM? Working in B2B and B2C companies?
1.4. What are different career path one aspiring PM takes?
Module 2 : Product Discovery - Art of Finding the Right Problem
2.1 Everything around Market Research
2.2 Everything around User Research
2.3 Everything around Competitor Research
2.4 Understanding User Journey of Product - How and Why are they build like that?
2.5 Narrowing down the User Persona - User Segmentation basis user research to understand the correlation between the problem and user.
2.6 Make a list of problems or product opportunities which you want to solve
Module 3 : Product Planning : Designing & Defining Solutions
3.1 Product Thinking, Product Sense and Product Vision
3.2 Product Research - How, Why and When it is done?
3.3 Product Design Process - Writing PRD
3.4 Product Strategy - How to build it as per Business Models?
3.5 Product RoadMap - How to create Product Roadmaps, Type of Product Roadmaps?
3.6 Product Metrics - How to define product metrics while designing products to ensure that you are keeping track of the success and failures of the product features designed.
3.7 Product Prioritization - How to prioritize the list of product features planned in the most effective way?
3.8 Product Growth - Once product are shipped, next steps would be to grow the product to reach the desired TG in the most efficient way. Crack the Product Growth roadmap?
Module 4 : Product Development - Building Minimum Viable Product
4.1. Product Development Process - Understand Lifecycle and Frameworks
4.2 Agile Product Management - A successful PM Secret
4.3 Project Management - Agile, Scrum and Sprints and Stakeholder Management
4.4 What is MVP and How to Build MVP?
Module 5 : Product Launch - Pre and Post Launch
5.1 Product Launch Process - Understanding Requisites of Launch
5.2 Product Marketing, Product Branding and Product Pricing
5.3 GTM - Go to Market Strategy
5.4 A/B Testing and other frameworks to measure the performance of Product Launched
5.5 Managing Product Legal Compliance, Leadership, Sales and Public Relations
Module 6 : Product Analytics - Data backed Product Improvement Plans
6.1 Product Analytics and Type of Product Analytics Frameworks
6.2 RCA - Art of figuring out the problems at their roots
6.3 Defining and tracking Product OKRs - KPIs and Metrics
6.4 Building Improvement Plans based on Data Insights and iterate on Product Enhancements
Module 7 : Product Design - UI/UX for PMs
7.1 Understanding Product Design Process
7.2 Understanding Design Thinking
7.3 Wireframing
7.4 High Fidelity Design using Figma
7.5 Basics of UI and UX
7.6 Managing Designers - How to work with Designers
7.7 Product Teardown - Practice 1-2 Product teardown to understand the thought behind product design.
Module 8 : Cracking the PM Interview Questions
8.1 Crafting the perfect resume and create portfolio of your work - Look for best templates
8.2 Optimizing LinkedIn profile for Networking.
8.3 Common interview questions
Product design questions. Product Metrics Product Improvement GTM Root Cause Analysis Guesttimate questions. Metrics questions. Behavioral questions. Product strategy questions.
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