Participants understand that HackAI '22 may be photographed, videotaped, recorded, etc. and hereby grants the Artificial Intelligence Society (AIS) the right to use or refrain from using Participant's name and/or likeness. Participants hereby agree to permit AIS to record their attendance at HackAI '22. AIS shall have the right to record, film and photograph your attendance at HackAI '22 and to distribute, broadcast or otherwise disseminate your attendance, for commercial purposes or otherwise, in whole or in part, throughout the world, in perpetuity, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed. The rights granted herein the right to promote AIS to use the same either alone or together with supporting information, such as your name, voice, photograph, likeness, biographical data, and submitted information. Participants agree that AIS may designate or sublicense others, e.g., distributors or broadcasters, to distribute any such recordings and that these designees will have the same rights you have granted to AIS hereunder.
Data and Systems
Participants understand that company sponsors and their toolkits have provided data and systems for use only at HackAI '22. We request that each participant respect this use parameter and follow best practices in business ethics with regards to data and system use and sharing with only those participants registered for HackAI '22. Some datasets will require the use of credentials to access and we ask that participants respect exclusive use of this data provided by company sponsors for HackAI '22. By participating in HackAI '22, Participants respect these data terms and conditions.
Licensing and Intellectual Property Rights
AIS does not claim any license or any intellectual property rights in Participant’s submission, except for the limited license to review the submission as part of the hackathon judging and awarding of prizes. We encourage participants to open source their projects to both share their hacks with the greater community and promote innovation in this space.
By submitting a hackathon entry for judging or accepting any prize, you represent and warrant the following: you will not submit content that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the content and to grant HackAI '22 all of the rights granted herein.
Eligibility and Team Size
We welcome undergraduates, graduates and young professionals over 18 years of age. We expect participants to form teams which should be a minimum of 1 and maximum of 4; these teams may be formed in advance or at our team formation event during the hackathon, but all projects should be initiated and completed during the hackathon itself. All participants should be current students at UT Dallas.
Hackathon prizes are non-transferable by the winner. If you accept a prize, you will be solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting such prize.
AIS reserves the right to revise, make exceptions to, or otherwise change this Agreement at any time in whole or in part, with or without notice.
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