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People Analytics @Mesh

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How to use insight dashboards?

Each portfolio on Mesh has an insights tab, which opens up a detailed insights dashboards. This document would help you understand how to navigate the dashboards, and what are different features and functionalities.
Last edited 102 days ago by Pranav Mankar
Every insight dashboard consists of series of multiple visualisations which could help dive deep into understanding the prevalence of the portfolio, quality of data collected under it and outcome metrics from the portfolio. All the dashboards are people driven, which means these would help you get to a relevant set of users for a particular metric.


What is a portfolio?

A set of data points or information collected in a context of certain process or a module is considered as a portfolio. Mesh has total 5 portfolios as of today - Goals, Reviews, Competencies, 1:1s and Employee. Dimensions collected and metrics inferred from each portfolio as detailed

What is a dashboard?

A dashboard is a visual interface that displays important information at a glance using charts, graphs, and indicators. A series of relevant charts, graphs, and indicators are collected together so that you can easily gain inference on various people metrics.

What is a visualisation?

Each chart or graph on the dashboard is called a visualisation. Each visualisation is built on a specific metric (or metrics) related to a particular portfolio. All visualisations in turn refer to a Employee portfolio, making Employee a core entity for the people dashboards on Mesh. This also means, all visualisation can be grouped or filtered on various Employee dimensions. You can find more details on different portfolios and dimensions available on Mesh,
. There are also different type of visualisations used to denote different kind of data or different kind of context. Details on different visualisations and how to read them can be found

What is a metric?

A metric is a quantifiable measure used to track and assess specific aspects of a performance. For example, in an HR context, metrics could include employee engagement score, employee performance score or employee goal progress percentage etc. Each portfolio have different kind of metrics computed on top of them, you can find details on metrics related to each portfolio

What is a dimension?

A dimension is a specific aspect of data that can be used to filter or group data in an analysis. For example, in an Employee context, dimensions might include location, department, or job title. These help you break down the data and see it from different perspectives, making it easier to understand trends and make decisions. Each portfolio have different kind of dimensions available to categorise data, you can find details on metrics related to each portfolio

What are the Key Insights in a visualization?

The 'Key Insights' section of every visualization is a helpful tool for quickly understanding the most crucial aspects of the data presented. If you're short on time or find the visualization complex, you can read this section to grasp the standout points relative to other data points. This feature ensures you don't miss important information and can make well-informed decisions efficiently.


What are the filters?

Filters are tools used to refine and narrow down the data shown in a dashboard or report. They allow you to focus on specific information based on criteria you select. For example, in an HR dashboard, you might use filters to view data for only one department, a range of hiring dates, or employees within a certain age group. This helps you analyze more targeted information according to your needs.
There are two ways to apply filter on the insights dashboard
Dashboard level filters - As shown in below image, you can apply filter on the entire dashboard at once. Typically this is useful when you’ve to filter analysis for a specific group of people only, or for a specific time-period, review cycle etc. Typically you will find fewer filter option at this level, as only common portfolio or dimension available across entire dashboard can be filtered from here.
Visualisation level filters - As shown in below image, you can also click on a visualisation and apply a filter there. You will find more filter options here as these are visualisation specific filters. Typically this is useful when you want to dive deep in a particular visualisation.
Report level filters - As shown in below image, you can also click on a report and apply a filter which is specific to the report.

What other actions are available at the dashboard level?

Here's a breakdown of additional tools available in our dashboard that can help you manage and share your analytics effectively:
Dashboard level filters - As shown in below image, you can apply filter on the entire dashboard at once. Typically this is useful when you’ve to filter analysis for a specific group of people only, or for a specific time-period, review cycle etc. Typically you will find fewer filter option at this level, as only common portfolio or dimension available across entire dashboard can be filtered from here.
Present Analysis: This feature allows you to present your data analysis directly from the platform. It transforms your current dashboard view into a presentation mode, which is great for sharing insights during meetings or webinars. You can navigate through different visualizations as if you were moving through slides in a standard presentation (using arrow keys on your keyboard).
present analysis.gif
Download PDF/PPT: You can download your visualizations or entire dashboards in PDF or PowerPoint formats. This is particularly useful for distributing your analysis in a professional format during offline meetings or sending them through email as part of a report.
Schedule Email: If you need to send regular updates to your team or management, you can use the schedule email feature. This allows you to set up automated emails that will send updated dashboard screenshots at specified times. For example, you could schedule a weekly update every Monday morning to keep your team informed of the latest metrics.
Expand/Collapse: This functionality lets you expand or collapse visualizations within the dashboard. Expanding a visualization makes it fill the screen for a clearer view, which is helpful when you need a closer look at the details. Collapsing it returns the view to normal, allowing you to see multiple visualizations at once. This is useful for toggling between a detailed view and an overview.

What other actions are available at a visualization level?

When you click on a visualization in our dashboard, it opens a detailed view where you have several tools to enhance your analysis. Below, you'll find a simple breakdown of each tool:
Apply Filters to a visualization: You can set specific filters for the current visualization, based on the metrics it is built upon. These filters help you refine the data according to your needs. For example, if the visualization shows data by department, you can apply a filter to display information for just one department
Change the Context of a visualization: Each visualization has a default set of data it displays, which we refer to as its 'context.' You can change this context to explore other data points that are not shown by default. Please remember that any changes you make will not be saved once you leave the page.
Download a visualization: You can download the visualization as a JPEG or PNG file, which can be helpful for incorporating into presentations or reports for leadership.
Drill Down/Up: Some visualizations allow you to drill down into more detailed data or drill up to see broader data. This is especially useful when exploring hierarchical data, like organizational structure.
View Details and Download Spreadsheet/CSV: When selecting a specific group within your visualization, you can view more detailed information, such as a list of employees included in the selected group. This can be useful for understanding which employees fall into various performance categories, like those in the top-performing quadrant or those missing their targets. Additionally, you can download these details as a spreadsheet for further offline analysis.
download visualisation.gif

What actions are available at a report level?

When working with reports in our platform, you have several functionalities at your disposal that can help you customize your data analysis. Below is a guide to using each of these functionalities:
Add Filters: Adding filters to a report allows you to narrow down the data, focusing only on what’s relevant to your specific inquiry. For instance, if you’re examining an employee performance report, you might want to filter by location or department to see the results for a particular area of your company.
Add Attributes: Attributes are additional data points you can add to your report to provide more context or detail. For example, in a feedback report, you might add attributes like job grade or years of experience to better understand the factors influencing more sharing or requesting of feedbacks. Adding attributes helps you deepen your analysis and draw more specific conclusions.
Download Report (Spreadsheet): Once you have tailored your report with the necessary filters and attributes, you may wish to download it for offline inspection or to present your findings in meetings. You can download the report in a spreadsheet format, which is useful for sharing, further analysis, or archival purposes.

These functionalities enhance your ability to manipulate and interrogate the data within the reports, ensuring you extract the most valuable insights possible tailored to your needs. For further assistance with these features, please refer to our detailed help documents or reach out to our support team.

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