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People Analytics @Mesh
People Analytics @Mesh

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Portfolios, dimensions and metrics available in People Analytics @Mesh


Portfolios are the different key areas under which data is collected through various processes conducted on Mesh. There are 4 main portfolios on Mesh -
Goals - Goals (i.e. objectives and key results), initiatives undertaken to achieve these goals, goal check-ins etc. all the data is collected under the Goals portfolio. Any information about status of goal setting process, goal progress percentage, goal check-in frequency, goal completion statuses etc. can be found under this portfolio.
Competencies - Data on continuous feedbacks, competency progress is collected under this portfolio. Any information such as competency progress for each individual, feedbacks shared or received, actual continuous feedback texts can be found under this portfolio.
1:1s - Any information on 1:1 completion percentages, 1:1 satisfaction scores, sentiments across 1:1 themes is collected under this portfolio.
Reviews -This portfolio includes all the data collected through a performance review process. Any information about active review cycle completion status, past review data, overall rating trends, nine-box grids is can be found under this portfolio.
Lastly, all the demographic, work experience or any other employee information is found under employee portfolio. This can be used for filtering and segmentation of employees.


Each data point collected on Mesh, across all portfolios, is tagged with an data object. All the various attributes of an data objects are called dimensions. In the visualisation you can filter or group data from a particular object basis on available dimensions for the object. Here’s the list of various objects and their dimensions collected under each portfolio -


One of the most basic and commonly used portfolio would be Employee. This holds information about all the employee within your organization which would be quite useful when you start slicing and dicing portfolio metrics. In most cases, you would need to filter or group by one or employee dimensions. Here’s the lsit of currently supported employee dimensions
Sample values
Age Range
Age range as per the birth date entered in the employee roster.
Career Level
Grade/ Career level information as entered in the Employee Roster
Employment Status
Whether employee is Active employee or has left the organization.
Active: Employee is still with the organization
Inactive: Employee has left the organization
Male, Female, Unknown (in case information is not provided)
Job Name
Job name as updated on Mesh via HRIS.
Manager Status
Indicates whether employee is a manager or not.
Promoted to People leader - This employee is a manager.
Usually this is hierarchy type of information on which function user belongs to e.g.
Revenue > Sales > New Sales > North America is an example of organization-hireracy where employee is a part of North America sales team.
Supervisory hierarchy
This shows where does employee stand in the org chart.
This contains employee ids
Organization Entity
If you follow hierarchy type in the Organization, Organization Entity will be the super parent, or top of the Organziaton hierarchy for a particular Employee
E.g. If Organization contains Revenue > Sales > New Sales > North America, Organziation Entity would be “Revenue”
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This portfolio includes all the data collected through a performance review process. Any information about active review cycle completion status, past review data, overall rating trends, nine-box grids is can be found under this portfolio.

Review list

This object consists a list of all the review forms which have been assigned to employees. This object is useful when finding information such as review cycle completion status, peer nomination status, upward form filling status, no. of forms assigned v.s submitted by each employee etc. Below is list of dimensions available per item in review list viz. each individual form assigned under reviews.
Sample values
Review Cycle Name
Each form is associated with a review cycle created on Mesh. This dimension let’s you group or filter data using name of cycle under which the form was assigned.
These names are as configured in review cycle, typical names could be e.g. Annual appraisal 2024, Mid yea review semester 1 2023-24 etc.
Receiver Employee
Each form is assigned to collect information about a particular employee. The employee about whom form is collecting information, is called the ‘Receiver Employee’. E.g. If John is manager of Eric, in case of Manager review Eric becomes the receiver employee.
Provider Employee
Each form is assigned to collect information from a particular employee. The employee from whom form is collecting information, is called the ‘Provider Employee’. E.g. If John is manager of Eric, in case of Manager review John becomes the provider employee.
Provider Type
Reviews have multiple different stages - SELF, MANAGER, PEER etc. In each stage provider employee plays a different role with respect to receiver employee and this role is called as ‘Provider Type’ e.g. If John is manager of Eric, when a form is assigned to John which asks about information on Eric, it’s provider type would be “MANAGER’
There are 5 key provider types -
SELF: When Eric is evaluating himself
MANAGER: When John is manger of Eric, and John is evaluating Eric
PEER: When Emily is a colleague of Eric, and Emily is evaluating Eric because they worked on a project together.
UPWARD: When John is manger of Eric, and Eric has been asked to share his opinion on John’s leadership.
DLM: When John is a line manger of Eric, but Eric works mostly with Sophia as function/ dotted line manager. When Sophia is evaluating Eric it’s DLM (Dotted Line Manager.
Submission Status
This is completion status of the forms.
There are 4 key stages of submission -
NOT_STARTED: Employee has not started to fill up the form
IN_PROGRESS: Employee has started filling up the form but has not completed it yet.
SUBMITTED: Employee has completed filling up the form, and submitted it for the next stage.
ACKNOWLEDGED: After publishing, reviews have been acknowledged by the employees.
Peer Status
Once nominated as a peer, provider employee can accept or reject the nomination. Accept/reject status of each nomination form is tracked under Peer Status dimension.
There three different statuses -
NOMINATED: Each nomination forms starts in this stage. This would mean that provider employee has neither accepted or rejected the nomination.
ACCEPTED: Once provider employee accepts the nomination, status is updated to ACCEPTED.
REJECTED: If provider employee rejects the nomination, status is updated to REJECTED.
Peer Status is only available for peer type of forms, so in the case of all other provider types this column would be seen as null/ empty or unknown.
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Review details

This objects consists of all the details of the information collect within each forms. You can find information about every question that was configured in review form, various dimensions related to question such as goal weights in case of goal question, or competency names in case of competency questions. This object is useful to dive deep into how and what different employees have answered with respect to different forms which they have submitted.
Sample values
Question Type
Review forms are divided into three main sections, Question Type indicates which section this question belongs to. This is helpful when you want to focus on only competency answers or check goal details only etc.
There are three main sections and hence just three question types -
GOAL: Questions (or individual goals) from Goal section of the review form would appear in here.
COMPETENCY: Questions(or individual competencies from Competency section of the review form would appear in here.
QNA: General questions which don’t belong to comptency or goal section are typically added in QNA section of the review form. These questions from QNA section are tagged with QNA as Question Type
Question Description
Depending on Type of question this field can hold different value. This dimension can help you filter reports on specific questions you want to focus on and ignore everything else e.g. promotion questions, overall feedback comments etc.
In case of ‘Goal’ type of question, this would denote ‘Goal Title’ to uniquely identify employee has added to feedback for which goal.
In case of ‘Competency’ type of question this field denotes display name of the competency.
In case of ‘QNA’ this field denotes question text which was displayed on review form.
Review Answer > Answer Text
Answer Texts are description of value selected from the drop-down. It’s empty in case question doesn’t have drop-downs.
Answer text can hold descriptive values such as ‘Meets Expectations’ , ‘Outstanding’ etc. depending on what’s configured in the review cycle.
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<WIP - more objects to be added>


Depending on different data points collected across different objects and portfolios, we have identified some critical metrics which could be useful to dive deep or to share with stakeholders. Through extensive primary and secondary research done by People science experts at Mesh we have come up with following list of metrics which could help you build comprehensive picture of People enablement at your organization. Metrics available on Mesh.
Number of employees belongs to a particular cohort
Headcount ratio - High performer
No. of high performers in the cohort/ headcount of the cohort
Average Performance Rating
Average of latest performance rating collected for an employee, as per selected time period
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<WIP - more metrics to be added>


Review list report

This report consists a list of all the review forms which have been assigned to employees. This report is useful when finding information such as review cycle completion status, peer nomination status, upward form filling status, no. of forms assigned v.s submitted by each employee etc. Below is list of dimensions available per item in review list viz. each individual form assigned under reviews.

Review details report

This report consists of all the details of the information collect within each forms. You can find information about every question that was configured in review form, various dimensions related to question such as goal weights in case of goal question, or competency names in case of competency questions. This report is useful to dive deep into how and what different employees have answered with respect to different forms which they have submitted.

Employee feedback report

This report consists of all the details of employees who are currently active, or ever added on to the Mesh platform. This report is useful to verify explore employee master, see whether recently made changes are reflecting correctly, or verify headcount for billing purposes.

Competency report

This report consists of all the list of employees and competencies mapped to them. If you’ve Competencies and IDP module enabled, you can also see individual’s progress against each competency. This report is useful, to verify role-based competencies mapping before review cycle, see current progress for your teams across various competencies.

Goal data export

This report consists of all the latest information around goals. Depending on configurations this report shows key results or objectives or both. Each owner/collaborator for the goal creates a separate entry in the report e.g. if Goal “Increase revenue by $1M” is owned by Jane Doe and John Smith both, report would contain two rows, one corresponding to Jane Doe and second corresponding to John Smith. This report is useful to understand goal distribution, typically used to keep record of information updated on Mesh.
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