Model Portfolios

CSV Model Upload


This page describes the process for for Creating or Editing Model Portfolios via CSV upload

Bulk Upload Format (Multiple Models)

When uploading multiple models, your CSV file should have the following columns:
ModelCode/APIR: A unique code or identifier for the model. This should be a string without spaces.
ModelName: The name of the model portfolio. This should be a descriptive and easily identifiable name.
InvestmentCode: The code or identifier for each investment within the model. This should match the codes used in PortfolioCloud.
WeightIn2Dp: The weight or proportion of each investment in the model. This should be in percentage format up to two decimal places (e.g., 50.00 for 50%).
WeightType: Indicates how the weight is treated. Can be either “Floating” or “Fixed”. “Floating” means the weight will adjust with market prices, while “Fixed” indicates a static weight regardless of market movements.

Model123,High Growth Portfolio,INV001,30.00,Floating Model123,High Growth Portfolio,INV002,70.00,Floating

Individual Model Upload Format (Single Model)

When uploading a single model directly in the model editor, the CSV format is slightly different as there’s no need to include the model code and name in each row.

InvestmentCode: The code or identifier for each investment in the model.
WeightIn2Dp: The weight of each investment in the model, in percentage format up to two decimal places.
WeightType: Can be either “Floating” or “Fixed”, indicating the nature of the weight.

INV001,50.00,Floating INV002,50.00,Fixed

Tips for Preparing Your CSV File

Ensure that there are no extra spaces before or after the commas and values.
Do not include currency symbols or percentages in the weight fields. Just use numerical values.
The file must be saved with a .csv extension.
If editing in Excel, review the CSV in a text editor like Notepad to ensure proper formatting before uploading.

Uploading Your CSV File

Once your CSV file is ready, follow these steps to upload it:
The Bulk Upload (csv) button is found on the Model Dashboard
Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 7.55.21 pm.png
The individual Upload (csv) button is found inside a Model Portfolio page
Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 7.56.05 pm.png
Once you click the appropriate button, choose your CSV file and confirm the upload.
The system will process the file and update the model portfolios based on the data provided.
Remember to provide guidance on how to address common errors during uploads, such as mismatched investment codes or incorrect file formats.
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