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Strategic Themes - High Level OKR's

Template Page. This is a Template to develop the organization's Strategic Themes or OKR's (Objectives & Key Results) that will guide decision-making throughout the Strategic Planning Process
Note: These are two interconnected Tables that may be used as-is
or developed into a full-fledged Coda-Doc.
Template - Strategic Themes - Objectives
Template - Strategic Theme
Strategic Theme Category
Strategic Theme Type
OKR Owner
Strategic Theme Priority
Strategic Theme - Definition
Strategic Theme - Objective
Objective Progress
Is It an Ambitious Objective?
Is It a Challenging Objective?
Is It an Inspiring Objective?
Characteristics Wise, This Objective is Great
Is This Objective Simple?
Is This Objective Complete?
Is This Objective Qualitative?
Is This Objective Future Oriented?
Theme A
Category A
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here a brief definition of the strategic Theme>
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Theme B
Category B
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here a brief definition of the strategic Theme>
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Theme C
Category C
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here a brief definition of the strategic Theme>
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
There are no rows in this table

Template - Strategic Themes - Key Results
Nombre del Tema Estratégico
OKR Owner
Key Results
OKR Acceptance Date
Key Result Weight on Objective
Is this Key Result Understood?
Is this Key Result Controlable?
Characteristics Wise, this Key Result is Great
Is this Key Result Quantitative?
Is this Key Result Measurable?
Is this Key Result Not an Epic?
Theme A
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here the expected Key Result for the Objective / Strategic Theme, in terms of KPI's as concrete and specific as possible>
Theme A
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here the expected Key Result for the Objective / Strategic Theme, in terms of KPI's as concrete and specific as possible>
Theme B
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here the expected Key Result for the Objective / Strategic Theme, in terms of KPI's as concrete and specific as possible>
Theme B
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here the expected Key Result for the Objective / Strategic Theme, in terms of KPI's as concrete and specific as possible>
Theme C
<Write here the Objective of the Strategic Theme - The O of OKR's>
Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
<Write here the expected Key Result for the Objective / Strategic Themein terms of KPI's as concrete and specific as possible>
There are no rows in this table

Andy Grove Tips to Define OKR's

Less is more

Seleccionar con esmerada atención unos objetivos escogidos emite un mensaje claro respecto a lo que queremos y a lo que no queremos hacer. Limitar los OKR a un número entre tres y cinco por ciclo lleva a las empresas, los equipos y los individuos a elegir lo más importante. En general, cada objetivo debe estar vinculado a un máximo de cinco resultados clave.

Establish objectives bottom up

Para promover la implicación, es preciso animar a los equipos y los individuos a crear aproximadamente la mitad de sus propios OKR con el asesoramiento de los jefes. Cuando todos los objetivos se establecen desde arriba hacia abajo se pierde la motivación.

Do not dictate

Los OKR son un contrato social cooperativo para establecer prioridades y definir cómo cuantificar el progreso. Incluso después de que los objetivos de la empresa se hayan definido, sus resultados clave siempre pueden negociarse. El acuerdo colectivo es esencial para maximizar la consecución de objetivos.

Be flexible

Si las condiciones cambian y un objetivo ya no es práctico o ha perdido relevancia, los resultados clave pueden modificarse o incluso descartarse a mitad de ciclo.

Dare yourself to fail

El rendimiento suele mejorar mucho cuando todos se esfuerzan por alcanzar un nivel de éxito que está más allá de sus posibilidades inmediatas. […] Ese establecimiento de objetivos es extremadamente importante cuando quieres obtener un rendimiento elevado en tu trabajo y en el de tus subordinados.  Aunque hay ciertos objetivos operacionales que deben alcanzarse por completo, los OKR ambiciosos deberían ser incómodos y posiblemente inalcanzables. Los objetivos aspiracionales, como los llamaba Grove, propulsan a las organizaciones hasta nuevas cotas.

A tool, not a weapon

OKR's are designed to help people find their rhythm. Is like putting the chronometer in their hands so that they may calibrate their own productivity. It is not a legal document on which to base evaluations. The best way to asume risks and avoid freeze is to make OKR's independent from bonuses.

Be patient and resolute

Any process needs a testing phase. Intel had many obstacles after adopting the OKR system. They didn't understand the main purpose. Now, they do much better. It may take up to five cycles to really own the system and strengthen the objectives work.

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