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Technology Applications

Technology Applications With Dr. Payton

Greetings and welcome to Technology Applications! This is a semester class, which is a requirement for all 8th graders in the state of Texas.
Late work policy - I do not accept late work beyond 5 days late. If a student has a modification/accommodation for extra time, the student must work on the assignment to get the extended time. This allows me to update grades weekly and return papers to students at the beginning of each week.
Grading policy - I will update grades at the end of each week. All assignments must be submitted by the end of the school day on Friday so that I can update grades over the weekend. At the end of each week, we will have Friday as a day to finish up and submit any assignment that you have not been able to complete.
Formative grades = 45%
Summative grades =65%
Each nine weeks we will have a minimum of 9 formative grades and 3 summative grades.
LMS - We will utilize Schoology to complete many assignments and tests. We will also use, which can be accessed through Clever.

There are NO FOOD OR DRINKS allowed in the lab!

Class Rules
R - Respect: Respect yourself and others.
O - Ownership: Take ownership of your academic and behavioral choices.
A - Attitude: Be positive, proactive, and professional.
R - Responsibility: When the bell rings, be seated with your materials ready to work.
Negative Consequences
1. Warning & redirection
2. Teacher-student conference
3. Phone call home
4. Meeting with parents, AP, student, and counselor
5. Referral
Positive Consequences
1. Good grades
2. Learn more
3. More freedom
4. Positive notes home
5. Free time
Contact Information:
Office hours: By appointment only. Please give me a minimum of 24 hours to set up the appointment time.
Zoom Office:
Topic: Dr. Payton's Meetings
Meeting ID: 233 045 4471 Passcode: PoodlePost

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