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Form templates

About Paperform

Imagine it. Paperform it

Paperform’s unmatched flexibility empowers you to create dynamic forms, eSignatures, surveys, bookings, payments & more. All in one place. Paperform is your digital Swiss Army Knife.

Endless possibilities

Solutions that empower you to get back to life.

Forms & Surveys

Flexible online forms that are easy to create and even easier to fill out. Capture leads, accept payments, share surveys — and so much more.
Replaces: Google Forms, Typeform, Jotform
Forms & Surveys

Scheduling and Booking Management

Automate your schedule with Paperform. Simply add your availability, connect your calendar and let people find the perfect time. Focus on your meetings, not on planning them.
Replaces: Calendly, Doodle, TidyCal
Stay on Schedule


Simplify document signing with our eSignature product Papersign, so you can spend less time in email chains and more time on the important stuff.
Replaces: DocuSign, HelloSign, Acrobat Sign
Play By Your Rules


Start selling online in minutes. Services. Subscriptions. Physical goods. Whatever you want. Paperform makes it easy to get a custom storefront up-and-running in minutes.
I?ntegrate: Stripe, Square, Paypal

Receive payments
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