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Coda Sync for Unity

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The example dataset 👉
👈 will be used in the following examples.

How to use exported data

Once the data have been imported, it can be accessed from anywhere in the code with the Instance static field in the database class.
Every table in your Coda doc generates an associated database class with a single Scriptable Object insténce. This class name follow the pattern {classname}_DB. Every lines in the tables are listed here as {classname} in a List.

Example :

To access the list of every character in the Characters table, the code will be
Each element references a character ScriptableObject of type Character. As any ScriptableObject, the characters can be directly Serialized to be used in your code and your project, so you don’t have to use this list to access your data.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.