We ask showmakers to archive their own shows (curators can help in the beginning).
Create CMS logins for showmakers with Contributor rights to manage their own uplaods only (not Admin rights)
If showmakers want to make events, manager of Events overlooks if they are done in the PSR way
We organize workshops for PSR community, Team members & Volunteers on the topics of Guidelines / Pioneer DJing / Vinyl DJing / Libretime / Silkscreen etc.
Create custom PSR visuals (e.g. GIFs for Instagram)
Organize community drawing initiatives (stickers, zine, etc.)
Create visuals for video streams (future idea)
Videos / photos
Documenting events, PSR life, uploading to web, youtube, instagram
Every team member can make & publish videos. Managers of this field can help
One admin who manages the mailbox (replies, cleans, archives)
If admin can’t reply to the email, they inform PSR Meet Discord on the message received in #mailbox
All PSR Team Members can use the general email, but should tag themselves under Labels in conversations & inform the email admin.
Instagram (PSR values / guidelnes link needed)
Two managers for instagram inbox
All curators can reply to inbox, but they should not leave unanswered messages
Show announcements
All curators can make instagram story announcement for shows
Wall (PSR values / guidelnes link needed)
All team members can make posts on PSR instagram wall (if it fits the PSR values). If not sure if it’s ok, everyone can suggest a new post in PSR Team Discord
Story compillations
All Curators & Team members can create story compillations
Show announcements (optional)
All curators can make show announcements
Events (optional)
All team members can make events on Facebook
PSR Team Slack
One tech admin needed
PSR Supporters Discord
One tech admin
One content admin who checks that communications are according to rules
Showmakers, volunteers, supporters are invited here
Invitations to events, special news
We do our Newsletters through Mailerlite
Community updates page needs updating
Retrospective what happened
Needs updating
All team members can upload videos on Youtube
PSR team meetings
PSR Webchat
All team members & volunteers monitor the webchat for inappropriate messages. Report to discordor admins if noticed
Soundcloud inbox
Local Goods
The idea of Local Goods to promote and showcase music made in the Palanga Community.
The idea needs a better definition of what ‘local’ means.
Budget, finance
Normally we buy things according to the yearly budget. We make the budget once a year.
For all non-regular purchases, we need to decide in a meeting by making & checking if we can afford it. For essential / regular things team members can make payments without a meeting, but should pay in cash & inform #finance on Slack (for payments that are more than 10 EUR, an invoice for VšĮ „Palangos gatvės radijas” should be collected)
Make sure the financial statements & declarations are submitted in time. Our accountant creates them & we need to check
Until February 15 - FR312 GPM declaration (for the payments we make to Birutė - a physical person who rents out the studio to us) - to VMI
Until February 15 - KIT711 - NT mokesčio deklaracija (Property Tax Declaration) for renting property from a physical person - to VMI
Until May 15 - submit „Paramos gavimo ir panaudojimo metinė ataskaita" (forma FR0478) to VMI
Until June 1st - Finansinė Atskaitomybė (Financial Reporting) - to Registrų Centras
Until June 15th - PLN204 Pelno Mokesčio deklaracija (profit tax declaration) - to VMI
In spring every year - fill in FR0002 form as logged into EDS as VšĮ
For the people who are registered as owners of VšĮ - they should fill in FR001 personally every year
Maintain the status of “Paramos gavėjas” (receiver of support)
We can lose this status if we don’t submit financial statements & other reports in time.
Respond to the requests of VIRSIS
VIRSIS collects info about the beneficiaries of organizations which are “Public Information Providers”. Basically we need to give info who owns the channel Palanga Street Radio (owner is VšĮ „Palangos gatvės radijas”).
Maintain contracts with Latga & Agata (making sure we pay their invoices)
For now, one person is legally responsible for the Radio, but we should move to a shared legal responsibility model
Other partnerships
Building partnerships with other radios by engaging with content exchange, projects like Morning Air, etc.
Involving all other PSR volunteers in ICRN via workshops & periodical updates
Maintaining & developing links with Reset! Network (Linas will ask to send RESET! news to PSR inbox)
Maintaining & developing links with other existing cultural partners: SODAS2123, Kala Soundsystem, KKC, Hungry Eyes, Raštinė, Juodas Šuo, other radios, Rupert, CAC, Kaunas Artists House, etc.
Building new partnerships - e.g. Vilnius City Municipality, Palanga City Municipality, other independent media initiatives