Overview of BotBuilder and its tabs

icon picker
External Requests tab

The External Requests tab is a tab where you can create and manage
@External Request
s that can be used in

Navigating to the External Requests tab

There are two ways to navigate to the External Requests tab:
Go to the Resources tab and click on the External Requests button.
Go to the Agent Designer and open the External Requests tab.

List of External Requests

The External Requests tab displays a list of all the
@External Request
s: ​
Name displays the name of the
@External Request
. ​
Alphabetical sort button — clicking on this button changes the sorting order from A-Z to Z-A and vice versa. ​
Method and URL — the destination URL where the
@External Request
should be sent and the HTTP method of the
@External Request
. ​
In use — indicates whether the
@External Request
is being used in
s. ​
@External Request
used in
s is marked with a checkmark and a Clarify button. ​
Clicking on the Clarify button displays icons of
s that use the
@External Request
. ​

Searching for External Requests

Searching by Request Name

To search for
@External Request
s by name, enter the desired value in the search field.
The list will display only the
@External Request
s that contain the search string in their name. ​

Searching by Request Usage

Searching by
@External Request
usage in the
s is done using the In use and Not in use filters:
Clicking the In use button displays only the
@External Request
s that are used in the
s. ​
Clicking the In use button replaces the Not in use filter with the Agent filter — a filter by
Clicking the Agent button opens the search panel by
s. ​
To find
@External Request
s used in specific
s, click on the desired
s in the list.
Clicking the Not in use button displays the
@External Request
s that are not used in the
s. ​

Creating, Editing, and Deleting External Requests

Creating an External Request

To create a new
@External Request
, follow these steps:
Go to the list of
@External Request
Click on the Create new button. ​
Clicking the button will open a form on the right panel for creating a new
@External Request
Fill in the fields on the tabs of the form to provide the necessary details for the
@External Request

Main Tab

The Main tab contains basic data for the
@External Request
. ​
Name — the name of the
@External Request
. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Description — the description of the
@External Request
. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Method — the HTTP method for the
@External Request
. The default method is GET.
Endpoint — the webhook address to which the
@External Request
should be sent. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Format of the value:
String ​
@Context Variable
in the format {{var}} ​
@Expression with Control Structure
. More details: . ​

Headers Tab

On the Headers tab, you can add headers to the
@External Request
. ​
Header — the name of the header. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Value — the value of the header. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Format of the value: plain text,
@Context Variable
@Expression with Control Structure

Query Parameters Tab

On the Query Parameters tab, you can specify parameters that will be appended to the URL of the
@External Request
. ​
Parameter — the name of the parameter. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
Non-Latin characters can be used in the parameter name. The value of the parameter will be encoded when the
@External Request
is sent.
Value — the value of the parameter.
Format of the value: plain text,
@Context Variable
@Expression with Control Structure
Non-Latin characters can be used in the value. The value of the parameter will be encoded when the
@External Request
is sent.

Data Tab

On the Data tab, you can specify data in JSON or XML format that will be sent in the
@External Request
body. ​
Data type — the format of the data to be sent in the
@External Request
Default format: JSON
Data — a field for adding the
@External Request
body template that will be sent. The maximum length of the field is 1000 characters.
When the data type is JSON: arbitrary text.
When the data type is XML: XML syntax. Tag case is important — <var></Var> will be considered an unclosed tag and the request will not be executed
Substitution of
@Context Variable
@Expression with Control Structure
In the request body template, you can specify a
@Context Variable
in the format {{ var }},
@Expression with Control Structure
, the values and results of which will be substituted when the request is executed. Learn more: Using syntax in External Request.
If the
@Context Variable
cannot be found in the
@Chat Context
, an empty value will be substituted.
If an error occurs during the evaluation of the
@Expression with Control Structure
(e.g., division by 0), the
@External Request
will not be sent, and the following
@Context Variable
s will be created in the
@Chat Context
= "Template rendering (request options) error occurred."
= False
= 499
= ""
Value Format for
@Context Variable
For Data type: JSON:
The value of a text variable is substituted into the template without quotes. If it is necessary to send a text value in JSON, it should be enclosed in quotes — "{{ var }}".
For example, if the string '89222203909' is stored in the variable {{ phone }} in the
, then
when executing a request with Data = { "phone_num": {{ phone }} }, the body { "phone_num": 89222203909 } will be sent.
when executing a request with Data = { "phone_num": "{{ phone }}" }, the body { "phone_num": "89222203909" } will be sent.
For Data type: XML:
The variable should be written in an XML tag using curly braces {{ }} and considering the case. For example: ​

Response Tab

On the Response tab, you configure the parsing of responses to an
@External Request
@User Context Variables
When parsing a request response, the variables specified in the Value field are not
@Context Variable
s, but are references to the body and headers objects (parts of the request response) and their properties.
Data type — format of received data (BODY from Response)
Default format: JSON
The tabular part is an array of Variable - Value pairs for parsing data from the body and headers of the response to an
@External Request
@User Context Variables
for their use in the
. ​
Variable — the name of the User context variables into which the value will be written. The maximum length of a field value is 128 characters. The name of User Context Variables must comply with the naming requirements for User Context Variables.
Value — key or Xpath path to the xml tag from the response body or headers, the value of which will be written to the
@Context Variable
. The maximum length of a field value is 1000 characters. Once the maximum value is reached, no further characters are entered into the field;
It is possible to parse from the body and headers of the response:
body. — parsing from the request body;
headers. — parsing from request headers.
Value format: you can use
@Expression with Control Structure
Important: access to the key of an object, if its name matches the name of , occurs through square brackets and quotes. Example: {{ data["keys"] }}
Important: a limitation has been implemented on the size of the body received in response to an external request: if the body size exceeds
@Limit on the size of the received body in response to an External Request
, then it is replaced with an empty body {}.
Examples of parsing the response body and headers into a
@Context Variable
Example of a JSON body and parsing it in the
“par”: “value”,
“par1”: “value1”,
“array”: [
“par2”: “value2”,
“par3”: “value3”,
Example of an XML body and parsing it in the
Example of an TEXT body and parsing it in the
For the TEXT type, only the entire body can be parsed.

Test Tab

On the Test tab you can test the operation of the
@External Request
When creating a new
@External Request
, before filling in the
@External Request
parameters, the cURL field is not filled in.
When you open an existing
@External Request
, cURL is generated automatically.
Refresh cURL — a button that, when clicked, updates the request in the cURL field on the Request tab in accordance with the
@External Request
Test cURL — a button that, when clicked, sends the request generated in the cURL field to the external system.
Displaying the status of the request — the response received after sending the request. The color depends on the type of status received:
Successful status: 200 OK — green; ​
Statuses with warnings: from 201 to 399 — yellow; ​
Errors: from 400 and above — red. ​
Request section — the section contains data for testing
@External Request
cURL — generated from the settings Incoming cURL request.
Update request from cURL — a button that, when clicked, updates the
@External Request
from cURL fields.
When you click the button, a modal confirmation window appears: ​
To confirm the action, you must press the YES button. In this case, cURL validation occurs:
If there is no Endpoint or an incorrect cURL structure, an Invalid cURL error will be displayed and a pop-up notification Could’t parse cURL, request settings have not been updated. ​
If cURL is correct, the
@External Request
settings will be updated: the fields on the Headers, Query Parameters, Data tabs will be cleared, and new information from cURL will be inserted into them. For example, if there are headers in the
, but there are no headers in the cURL field, then when you click Update Request from cURL, the current headers from the
will be removed and nothing will appear in their place.
Response section — the section contains the external system’s response to the request. ​
Before clicking the Test cURL button, the section is not available for opening (since the test request has not been sent and there is no response yet) ​
Subsection Body — the subsection contains the body of the response to the request; ​
Headers subsection — the subsection contains the headers of the response to the request; ​
Display the status of the request; ​
Time from sending a request to receiving a response in milliseconds; ​
Size of the response body in bytes. ​

Adding Custom Certificates to an External Request

At the moment, adding security certificates to
@External Request
s is implemented through support: write to support@actum.cx, indicating the identifiers of the
@External Request
or the
to whose
@External Request
s you need to add custom certificates, and provide these certificates.

Using the syntax in External Request

In an
@External Request
, it is permissible to use
@Expression with Control Structure
in the Endpoint, Value fields on the Headers tab and Query parameters, Data, Name field on the Response tab. More details: .
IMPORTANT: when parsing a response, all variables from the Value field used in the template are searched in the response, and not in the
@Chat Context
. The response body is accessed through the body variable. Request headers are accessed through the headers variable. For example, if the response to
@External Request
is a JSON object: {“one”: {“two”: [0, 1, 2]}}, then:
1. The entire JSON object (dictionary) {“one”: {“ two”: [1, 2, 3]}} will be saved into the resp_body variable;
2. The object (dictionary) {“two”: [1, 2, 3]} will be saved into the resp_one variable;
3. The integer 1 will be stored into the resp_two variable;
4. The resp_invalid variable will not be saved because the response body must be accessed through the body variable.

Editing an External Request

To edit an existing
@External Request
, follow these steps:
Go to the list of
@External Request
Open the settings of the
@External Request
by clicking on its name in the list.
Make the desired changes to the
@External Request
details on the tabs of the form.
Save the changes by clicking the Save button.

Deleting an External Request

To delete a single
@External Request
, follow these steps:
Go to the list of requests.
Select the
@External Request
by clicking on its name or using the selector.
Click on the Delete request or Delete button. ​
Confirm the action in the modal window by clicking the DELETE INTENT button. ​
If the deleted request is used in
s, a warning will appear indicating that it needs to be removed from the
s first. ​

Cloning an External Request

To create a copy of a single request, follow these steps:
Go to the list of requests.
Select the request by clicking on its name or using the selector.
Click on the Duplicate request or Duplicate button. ​
Confirm the action in the modal window by clicking the YES, I’M SURE button. ​
Clicking the YES, I’M SURE button will create a copy of the request with the name <name of the cloned request> CLONE. ​

Bulk Actions with External Requests

The External Requests tab supports multiple selection and bulk actions that can be applied to a group of requests.

Multiple Selection

Multiple selection of requests can be done in the following ways:
Check the checkboxes next to the desired requests manually. ​
Check the checkbox in the mass selection selector — this will select all requests on the page. ​
Select one of the request groups. Clicking on the arrow opens a dropdown list. ​
The dropdown list allows you to select the following groups of requests by clicking on them: ​
All — all requests.
In use — only requests used in
Not in use — only requests not used in

Deselecting Requests

To deselect the selected requests, use one of the following methods:
Remove the checkboxes manually.
Use the deselect option in the mass selection selector. ​
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