Important: access to the key of an object, if its name matches the name of , occurs through square brackets and quotes. Example: {{ data["keys"] }}
Important: a limitation has been implemented on the size of the body received in response to an external request: if the body size exceeds, then it is replaced with an empty body {}.@Limit on the size of the received body in response to an External Request
IMPORTANT: when parsing a response, all variables from the Value field used in the template are searched in the response, and not in the. The response body is accessed through the body variable. Request headers are accessed through the headers variable. For example, if the response to@Chat Contextis a JSON object: {“one”: {“two”: [0, 1, 2]}}, then:@External Request
1. The entire JSON object (dictionary) {“one”: {“ two”: [1, 2, 3]}} will be saved into the resp_body variable;
2. The object (dictionary) {“two”: [1, 2, 3]} will be saved into the resp_one variable;
3. The integer 1 will be stored into the resp_two variable;
4. The resp_invalid variable will not be saved because the response body must be accessed through the body variable.