User Interviews Script


"Hi [Participant's Name], thank you for agreeing to participate in this user interview. My name is [Your Name], and I'm a [briefly explain your role at the company performing today’s test and what you do day-to-day] . Today, we'll be discussing some potential offerings that may be of interest and value to you. Your insights will help me refine and validate my business idea. The interview should take approximately [duration], and your responses will be kept confidential."

Interview Questions

Can you please tell me a bit about yourself, your background, and your current role?
What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your role or industry, particularly related to web design, landing pages, or workflow automations?
What solutions or tools have you tried to address these challenges, and what was your experience with them?
Are there any gaps in the current market offerings that you feel should be addressed?
I'm considering offering [describe your offering]. How do you think this could help you in addressing your challenges or needs?
What aspects of this offering do you find most appealing or valuable?
Are there any aspects of the offering that you think could be improved or added to better address your needs?
If this offering were available to you today, how likely would you be to use it or recommend it to others? Why or why not?
What do you think would be a reasonable price for this offering, considering the value it provides?
Do you have any other suggestions or feedback regarding this offering or any additional offerings that you think would be valuable for your role or industry?


"Thank you, [Participant's Name], for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me today. Your insights are invaluable in helping me validate and refine my business idea and offerings. I appreciate your time and input, and I'll be sure to keep you updated on the progress of my project."
Remember to take notes during the interview or record the conversation (with the participant's permission) to facilitate data analysis and interpretation later on.
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