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ETZ Soft, Inc.docx
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ETZ PPT- ZhenFund.pdf
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ETZ is the world’s first B2B focused Crypto IRA & Crypto Retirement As A Service (CraaS). ETZ provides a turn-key platform allowing employers to finally offer digital asset exposure to their employees seamlessly
Jiazi Guo: CEO
Former VC, Head of America for LEGO Ventures, Partner @ Foothill Ventures, Crypto/Blockchain Native
Milo Sprague: CTA
Former CTO of Silicon Valley Bank. Former Executive Director, Morgan Stanley. CTA at FTV Capital. Former Associate Partner, CAPCO
Thavidu Rantunga: Head of Engineering
Formerly with Microsoft, IBM, and Groupon. CTO/Co-Founder of Fellow Robots. Engineering Manager - Applied Machine Learning @ Yelp
Nick Shevelyov: CSA
Chief Security Officer Silicon Valley Bank. Member Forbes Technology Council. Advisory Council Member Sierra Ventures. Author of “Cyber War …And Peace”
Nash Hutter: Head of Sales and BD
3 years experience in the crypto IRA space. Former professional athlete. 6 years of FinTech startup experience
US Retirement is a $35tn market with tax advantage, and traditional funds (e.g. Fidelity, Vanguard) are looking to tap into crypto service but lacking infrastructure.
ETZ is only B2B crypto IRA company on the market. No current direct competition
ETZ offers 40+ Digital Assets, 4+ Liquid Staking. All tokens within service portfolio have been audited by federal government.
100% Offline Cold Storage Through Coinbase → this is an underlying core of ETZ’s operating model and an important security feature.
ETZ also offers a comprehensive API set to allow large institutions directly integrate their product into service. ETZ also has automated onboarding, compliance, and trading
Founder Jiazi is a serial entrepreneur. When she was in college (UC Berkeley) her local restaurant search company (”dumpling search”) was acquired by Yelp for $5M. Jiazi studied industrial engineering and business at her time in UCB and is a crypto OG.
Crypto market is trending into a bearish state, with unprecedentedly high correlation with traditional market.
ETZ is still yet to obtain their own license and is currently operating with Pacific Premier Trust. They are obtaining their own stuff though but this will take ~1-2 yr. A huge transition to independence is foreseen.
Some level of uncertainty in federal regulation regarding crypto IRA.
【Competitive Landscape】
Indirect Competition: Self Directed Crypto IRA Companies (DTC). Direct Competition: 401k (B2B)
There are other crypto IRA (Bitcoin IRA, itrustcapital) companies on the market with Series A unicorn valuations, but all of which do one thing; self-directed IRAs, directed to individual consumers. This is the indirect competition. These models & their platforms are built to service one individual’s needs, not the needs of a business with hundreds of employees.
There is not a single crypto IRA platform whose model and platform is built & tailored to the B2B market, with the flexibility of a white label option. ETZ is the solution to this problem. 401k’s could be considered direct competition, but the limitations through minimal exposure, minimal digital assets, no option to earn interest on the digital assets, and having BTC exposure tied to one 401k provider are serious barriers. On top of that, businesses can offer both a 401k and SEP IRA to their employees.
$40M Pre-Cap SAFE, $3M Raise. Pro Rata for the next round, Preferred Stock.

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