User Research

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SAMPLE: Interview & Conversation Guide

Introduction & ground rules
Introduce yourself & the project/effort in basic terms, like how long the conversation should take, if you are taking notes or recording the conversation.
Share some ground rules to set the context and make the participant feel more comfortable:
All answers are good answers, no right/wrong, everything you share will be helpful in building a better experience.
You can stop this interview at any time.
Everything you share will be kept anonymous/ confidential (only if true!)
Ask if the interviewee has any questions, and if it is okay with them to start.
About the User as a Person
Can you tell us about yourself?
General question(s) related to your challenge area, such as how did you learn about the Summer Camp Program?
Understanding of the Challenge Area
In your understanding, what is the purpose of [insert program/ task/ etc]?
What are your expectations of [insert program/ task/ etc]?
Additional questions to understand the interviewee’s awareness of and experience with the challenge area
Ease, Attractiveness, Social Reinforcement, Timeliness ()
Sample questions below based on fictional “Summer Camp Program”
Ease: How was your experience registering your child for the Summer Camp Program?
Attractiveness: What appealed to you most about the Summer Camp Program? Least?
Social Reinforcement: If you were going to tell a neighbor or other local parent about the Summer Camp Program, what would you share?
Timeliness: When do you begin thinking about summer plans for your child(ren)?
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