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Robotics Design Competition

Build a robotics PCB, win money, and share your project with the world!

The Challenge

There’s no doubt that robots are here; we are seeing them more often in the home, in the sky, or working on the farm! And we know firsthand that many engineers fell in love with hardware or coding by attempting to build their first robot. Robotics remains vibrant and exciting, and it unquestionably has a bright future of exponential growth ahead.
We’re excited to launch our biggest competition yet! We want to see what cool stuff you can build in the robotics space. This could be anything from drone navigation systems, PCB-based robot motors, to modular boards like a super-efficient motor controller or a wireless host board.
Total prizes: $2,500
Due date: June 6th


All of our winners will be featured in our company newsletter, which goes out to 25k+ readers and various social platforms to share your incredible projects with the hardware community. There will be more prizes to be announced - coming soon!
1st prize - USD 1,500
2nd prize - USD 500
3rd prize - USD 250
Honorable mentions: Flux swag + to the top 20+ projects!

Evaluation Criteria

We’ll be reviewing projects with a group of Flux pros and a panel of judges. We’ll also be posting a Community favorite, voted on by you!
Reusability - Give back to the community! You will likely get more votes if other users can reuse your work on their projects. Consider creating a or a modular design.
Creativity - Robotics encompasses various use cases, from power systems and controllers, sensing or haptic systems, to vision and navigation modules—bonus points for high power efficiency.
Readability - Add a clear description of your project. Try to make your schematics and PCB readable to better showcase your design to the community.

How to enter

Awesome! We’ll be offering support through our , you can fork and build with; and other resources to help you get started. These competition instructions will guide you through building a board in Flux and submitting your entry.
. It’s absolutely free!
in Flux.
by June 6th!


April 21st - to discuss the competition and answer any questions
May 11th (10am PDT) - Design-review Office Hours and meet our Judges/mentors!
June 6th - Submission Deadline
June 16th - Winners announced! The winners will get featured in our newsletter and social media.


: Director of US Operations @ Engineered Arts, previously Verdant Robotics & Google-X
: Director of Engineering @ Creator, previously @ Latch, Cruise, Apple

Thanks for your participation, and good luck!

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