Classroom Case Study

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5. List the possible actions the moral agent could take.

In a Nutshell:

The moral agent is the person who must make decide what they will do in response to the case. When resolving the case study, it is important to clearly and correctly identify who is the one making the decision and what realistic options that person has.

Step Details:

The questions at the end of a case study often appear to give the moral agent two attractive options, two unattractive options, or a desireable option that is morally questionable and an unattractive options that appears to be morally right.
After listing these two “obvious” actions, also determine if there are any other realistic alternatives. Imagine a situation in which a police officer must decide whether to shoot at a suspect fleeing on foot the scene of a crime or pursue them in the officer’s car. Can you explain why each of the following would NOT be an possible action the officer could take:
The suspect stops running and turns themself in.
The officer calls a family member who is more experienced for advice.
The officer calls in drone support from the FBI to pursue the suspect.
While none of these alternatives would work, the officer does have a third alternative that may not make good drama in the movies or on tv, could be the best option:
Allow the suspect to continue running without shooting or following them in the car;
Call for backup units to immediately find the suspect
Put out an all points bulletin for the suspect’s arrest for fleeing the police.
While there may be good reasons not to do this, since it is a realistic alternative, it would need to be considered if the identity of the suspect is sufficiently known.

Complete Step 5:

Demo: List possible actions
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List possible responses/actions.
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Classroom Case Study
Option A: Leave a note on the windshield with apology and contact information, and go home. Option B: Go home. Option C: Return to the store and ask someone in the store to make announcement that a car (give license #, car model and make, and color) has been dented and to meet in the parking lot to discuss next steps.

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