Chart Types
40 (line, area, bar variations, pie, donut, radial bar, radar, scatter, funnel, pyramid)
Over 30 (including heatmaps, stock charts, treemaps)
Over 20 (line, area, bar variations, pie, donut, gauge, infographic charts)
Data Input
Manual entry, copy-paste from spreadsheets
Manual entry, copy-paste from spreadsheets, connect to Google Sheets
Manual entry, copy-paste from spreadsheets, connect to Google Sheets
Styles, colors, legends, axes, gridlines; props for some charts
Styles, colors, legends, axes, gridlines; text, icons, illustrations on chart
Styles, colors, legends, axes, gridlines; limited animation options within charts
Yes Good Animation options
No (static images; export for animation in other software)
Yes Good Animation options
Video creation with basic to moderate chart animation
General-purpose design (charts for various projects; animation in external software)
Video creation with basic animation within charts and overall video
Ideal Persona
* Marketing professional creating explainer videos with charts * * Educational content creator using charts in video lectures * * Social media manager incorporating charts in animated posts
* * Social media manager creating static infographics * * Blogger using charts to illustrate data in blog posts * * * Business professional designing presentations with charts
* * YouTuber incorporating basic animated charts in videos * * * Social media manager creating short, animated explainer videos with charts, Educational content creator using charts in video lectures
Target Audience
* Customers, students, employees * * Learners of all ages * * Social media followers
* * Social media followers * * Blog readers * * Business colleagues
* * YouTube viewers * * Social media followers