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Nathnael's Portfolio

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Last edited 337 days ago by Seas Crew

San Francisco, CA ∙ ∙ +


Passionate about developing software to solve feasible problems and build a software developer career. I study at the world’s #1 Most Innovative University, ranked by and ~1% acceptance rate.


Minerva University - Computer Science and Economics Major, San Francisco, CA - Class of 2025
Courses: Calculus I-III, Data Structures, Algorithms, Linear Algebra Applications, and Discrete Mathematics, Economics and Finance, Econometrics, Building powerful Software apps, and Harnessing AI algorithms.

Skills and Interests

Programming Languages: Advanced Python, intermediate JavaScript and C++, Big Data Analysis with Python and SQL, PERN full stack, Node JS Express JS, React JS, Flask, AWS, and Postgres.
Soft Skills: Problem-solving, team player, multimodal communicator, self-start, critical thinking, leadership, detail-oriented, creativity, and fast learning.

Work Experience

Salesforce San Francisco, CA - 06/2023 – 08/2023
Led a team of 3, to build a global healthcare matching system, utilizing data analytics and machine learning algorithms via sci-kit-learn and cosine similarity to yield precise client-professional matches on a Flask Server.
Developed RESTful API endpoints on a Node server, streamlining appointment bookings, updates, and cancellations with real-time notifications.
Managed Agile sprints, delivering feature-rich updates with keen attention to robustness and scalability.
Minerva University - ICT Engineering and Support Intern San Francisco, CA - 09/2021 – 04/2023
Reformed the team to effectively serve the 1000+ members of the university by creating new communication and troubleshooting algorithms that improved the financial and student life department's case response time.
The Learning Accelerator - Data Analyst and Consultant (remote) Portland, ME - 06/2022 – 08/2022
Built a database project by cleaning, modeling, analyzing, and creating 3 interactive data visualizations from the organization’s database to assist investors’ funding decisions for more than 500 educational entities in the US, Canada, and Europe.
Used advanced Python data wrangling and analytics and Tableau for interactive visuals.
Consulted the company about database management and trained 5 employees to build upon the project.


JP Morgan Chase Software Engineering Virtual Experience:
Completed a live stock price data streamer and trading opportunity indicator (correlation analysis) real-time dashboard for investors by fixing Typescript, JS, the Perspective tool, and Python codebases.
Built HomeHeart a networking app for finding therapists globally for immigrants using Machine Learning and PERN stack.
Led others 2 and did the full backend and database system as well as integration with React Frontend.
Developed a Python Telegram Bot to organize posts from physical notification boards locally in Ethiopia.
Built a Smile Detector Snapshot by Machine Learning using Raspberry Pi, Sckit-learn, and Open CV Python.


Selected as Salesforce full stack developer as one of 60 interns from 2000+ applicants in Summer 2023.
Cisco Big Data Analysis and IoT: Completed 4-month course with Honor (100% score) in June 2022.
Completed 10 weeks of Codepath’s Data Structures and Algorithms for Interview-prep course in 2022.
3rd winner of Solve It Business Innovation Competition 2020 by building an Android phone gadget.

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