The new UI update has minimized the amount of purple UI elements, flattened components, refactored navigation to the sidebar, and removed excess items that aren’t required for daily operations.
Queue | View: Custom
This goes on to display all of the information on the account including custom user-defined fields. It is intended for obscure information that is rarely referenced.
Queue | View: Talkoff Calculator
This page is zoomed out to fit in a single screenshot which has skewed the panel sizes. This calculator is being re-built to be more intuitive. The current design is for the sake of the mobile layout.
Talkoff Calculator | View: Mobile
This set of screenshots is to simulate a close approximation of the mobile view.
This account is using dummy data which contains numerous duplicate accounts for testing purposes. In a user account, only the top 2 would have shown up.
You can do a fuzzy name search, fuzzy account number search, or you can work by statuses. Work by Status defaults to the same view as “Queue” but with only accounts with the selected status.
This is the 2nd iteration of the file import system. It now has several “quality of life” features such as mirrored scrolling on the top and bottom, column filtering, XLSX imports to prevent CSV data corruption, internal validation, and user-friendly error reporting. Additionally, the global portfolio fields have been added as supplemental fields so that they no longer need to be included in the portfolio.
The new version will allow for accounts to be selected by any criteria and will no longer be limited to accounts with the ‘NEWBIZ’ status.
Admin - Manage Users/Permissions
Admin - Settings (General - API Keys and Client/Portfolios - Blank)
This screen acts as a ‘catch-all’ for other settings that are not yet in independent components. Currently, this is where you can manage your payment processing API keys and edit portfolio data. The ‘Client’ field is blank in this screenshot because this feature is in active development at the time this screenshot was taken.
Admin - API Key Integration (Payment Processors)
This will be a hub for all types of integrations in the very close future.
Features Currently In Development:
Email Campaigns, Individual Emails, Templates, and Event Driven Transactional Emails
SMS Messaging (Complete but unavailable during beta)
SMS ‘dialer’ (for approved agecies)
Zapier Connector
Multiple E-Signature Platforms
Additional Payment Processors:
Payment Risk Scoring
Payment Account Validation
Payment Method Swapping
External Access
Client Portal
Debtor Portal
Agency Administration
HR Records For Employees
Client Reporting
Automated Remittance
Data Prioritization
Email Validation (Prerequisite for email campaigns)