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Product // 1 pager short edition

A template to provoke the right questions/answers as you work through a feature
This was inspired when working at Atheneum, we wanted something a bit lighter but still could be used as a jumping off point.
Before you begin
This is an evergreen document, as your thinking changes please update it.
If you have other docs, don’t copy and paste everything into here - just link out to it.
Think of this as your dashboard.

Summary of the problem

Brief description of:
What problem does this solve?
Why is it important?
What might you build?

Supporting insights

Qualitative, quantitative and competitor research that provides context on the problem we’re trying to solve.
If you have quotes from stakeholders “this will save as 20% time” please note it down.

Impact estimate

Back-of-envelope calculation or “what would need to believe for this to be worth building” type sensitivity analysis.
Please do not just but the metrics that are going to be moved, this is actual values. Often monetary or time saved is what you would look to have here.
Also have a think about what leading and lagging metrics you would use to measure this and note them down!


Put some idea’s down for metrics

Expected approach & scope

Current high level thinking on how we might solve the problem, if known. This could include links to technical diagrams, potential phases to deliver value.
What is out of scope?
Maybe a rough idea of phases (which could change as you get into the detail, and that’s ok.)
Effort to get to the first phase


Who are the key stakeholders involved?
[probably the product team]
Product: (Internal platform this is mandatory along with the above) Business Owner:
[stakeholders whose requirements need to be taken into account]
[stakeholders who need to be kept up to date outside of the above]
There are no rows in this table

Prototype link (optional)

You may have scamped something up on a napkin

Links (optional)

Any links to supporting documents (e.g. designs, Miro boards, stand alone research, Trello, etc)

Outcome of discovery

Are we going to do this
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