In the When this happens, choose“Google Assistant” and Continue.
In Trigger phrases, say “New Inventory” or something you like. You can put multiple trigger phrases.
In Prompts For Additional Information, write “What did you put away?” and then below, “Where did you place it?” This will make Google ask you the two follow-up questions. Click on “Test your trigger” and “Continue”
In Do this, look and select Coda. Create Row
Choose this document, and the table “Where Items Can be Found” which is the inventory.
In the “This”, click on “Show all options” and then “What did you put away?”
In the “Can be found in”, click on “Show all options”, and then “Where did you place it?”.
In the “Seen last time”, click on “datetime”.
Test and continue, activate zap (top right of screen should say “On”), you are done!
To activate, say to Google home "Hey Google, start Zapier.”, then “New inventory”. Google asks you “What did you put away?”, answer, then “Where did you place it?”, answer, and you are done!
And how can I ask Google home or assistant where are my items?
You will have to create two zaps for that. One to record the search and write it in the Looking for... table, and another one to record the result and send it to a push notification service.
Firsts zap: triggered by phrases like “Where is that”, the follow-up question “What are you looking for?”, and then update all rows of the table “Looking for...”, column “Looking for..” to be the “What are you looking for?”.
Second zap: triggered by this Coda document when the table “Last searches” has a new row.
Send the content of this new row to your phone with your favorite
Note that the roundtrip might take up to one minute, so if you are in a hurry, you will want to make sure you went to the search page on your mobile browser, and add a shortcut to the home page.
Is there a way to ask Google Assistant directly instead of “Hey Google, talk to Zapier” ?
that works well: Create a If “Google Assistant” then “Google Sheet” with IFTTT, and use the $ to request an search query that you put in a cell of a Google spreadsheet. Then, I use Zapier to listen to this Google spreadsheet and copy the query to the table Looking for... of this coda document.
Set-up instructions:
Duplicate this doc
Remove this page or move it in third position (you won’t need it)
Share it with the people you live with.
Add the items of the house you are moving away.
Enjoy the piece of mind.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (