Participation means showing up to class, on time, prepared, and engaging with class activities.
Absences are not excuses!
300 Points
(10 points per class/ 3 Classes per week= 30 per week* 10 Weeks)
Evidence of Learning
Sometimes this will be a specific assignment. Others, you will get to choose from an array of assignments or activities.
150 Points
(15 points per week* 10 weeks= 150)
In Class Assignment
Up to 3 In Class Assignments
75 Points
Varies (25 each)
After 5 weeks
Mid Unit Assignment
After we build background knowledge for the unit (3-5 weeks) an assignment that checks your understanding of key concepts.
75 Points
One Assignment after the end of Module 1
End Of Unit Assignment Check Points
Before turning in any final project, you will need to meet at least 3 checkpoints.
150 Points
50 Points per checkpoint * 3 Checkpoints
At end of Quarter
End of Unit Assignment
The final project or assignment for each unit
250 Points
Rubric Specific