Writing for Impact 101

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Writing for Impact 101 - Trevor

Facilitator: Lauren Cannon

Goals for this Class

During this class you will learn:
To write more clearly and concisely, while making a bigger impact
How to actually get your messages read, and save time for you and your readers
Ways to craft your messages so your audience will respond effectively

Writing for Impact

"Writing effectively is not an academic exercise; it is a business imperative." ~Stuart Z. Goldstein
Your personal success and the success of your business are enhanced when you can communicate with others and get them to take action. This course will help you convey your written message or request in a clear, concise, and easily understood manner that will make an impact.
In this session, we will share ways to get your messages read and acted upon while saving time and frustration for both you and your readers. The tips and techniques apply to all writing situations personal and professional.


What frustrates readers? I hate getting emails or messages that .

Ask yourself:


Give your subject line as much PAD as possible. The following emails need effective subject lines written.

“Jill had mentioned that you offered to guide one of our internal research team members with business writing coaching. I think this training could also be valuable to our personal care team. Could you call me by Friday to discuss?”
“The earliest available date on everyone’s schedule for our next team meeting is Tuesday
June 11th at 4:30pm, or Thursday June 13th from 3pm-5pm. Everyone shows available.”
“The accounting department needs a copy of all vendor invoices from May and June for the upcoming audit. The copies must be sent in by July 15. They need hard copies, not scans.”
“I need a record of how many members of your department were present for today’s writing course. That data will go in my next team report on Thursday.”

EXERCISE: PAD Your Subject Lines and Share Before and After

EXERCISE: PAD Your Opening

Critique the writing sample you brought to class. Rewrite your subject line and/or opening paragraph to add some PAD.

Stick to the Point

What information do you need to include? How can you say the same thing with less?

This is a great class.


Use what you have learned today to rewrite the writing sample you brought to class.

Visual Impact

Headings create a road map for readers
Bullet points/numbers make information easy to find Tables/charts simplify large amounts of information White space makes the page more inviting, easier to read
Bold/colored text pulls the reader’s eyes to key information
Images/graphics add visual interest, are memorable

Use Email Effectively

How you use email can affect your impact as much as the text within the email. Be sure to establish a reputation for using email with your reader in mind.
General Use
Minimize the use of
Think before using
, and “Reply to All”
Reply within
Remember that attachments won’t always display on mobile devices

Wrapping Things Up

What stood out for you today?
List 2-3 key takeaways from the session and note what you will do to use what you have learned.
View of Takeaways
Key Takeaways
Action Items
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Homework: Practical Application and Assignment

In our next class, you will be asked to provide three specific examples of when you applied something you learned in class today.
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