Epic/Sprint Workflow Discussion

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Cross team task management

What is the problem

Currently work is being lost and waiting on other teams to do work that is not on their radar. How can we ensure each team knows what work is needed in order for us to continue to move tasks forward.
We should have a process for all of the following:
Discovered Work
Planned Work

How do we manage and pass work to each other.

How to create a task for another team

Create the task under the relevant sprint objective on the main sprint board
Add to the following board
Team Specific Board
Add the new task as a blocker for your current work.
Should be at the same level of the existing task.
Tag the relevant users as outlined below in the comment section.

How do we pass work generated from bugs

The process for dealing with bugs should be that the primary Asana task should be assigned to the person who is owning the final “fix” or deliverable. When tasks are needed from other teams a task should be created, this task should be added to the relevant teams sprint board, and then the team should be tagged in the comment box with a brief summary of what is needed and a slack message should be sent if this item is critical.
The primary bug should have a blocker added for the task that we are waiting on so the team can quickly identify what we are waiting on.

How do we pass work that is discovered

The process for dealing with discovered work should be similar to that of bugs. Whichever team owns the story/feature will be on the primary task. When tasks are needed from other teams a task should be created, this task should be added to the relevant teams sprint board, and then the teams manager should be tagged in the comments asking if this can be handled in this sprint.
The primary task should have a blocker added for the task that we are waiting on so the team can quickly identify what we are waiting on.

How do we pass planned work

This process should look different than the previous two. During planning work may be discussed that is needed from a separate team. These tasks should be created with a detailed description ( User story if possible ) of the what and why it is needed. These should then be placed in the appropriate section of the sprint board (Just added section etc) so it may be discussed and added into our workload.
The Tuesday call can then be used to clarify any issues from work that was planned discussed or otherwise.

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