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Centralize User Reference Cutover
@Daniel T. Anderson
Create scalable solution for looking up the Name in our Audits
DEVELOPMENT - Update all inserts to point to this centralized user reference
Document Standard
@Daniel T. Anderson
How should these fields be created in the tables?
@Daniel T. Anderson
start here so you can hand off to
@Monisha Vegasina
to be implemented on the table level
All Tables Need columns (UserReferenceID & UserReferenceTypeID)
Anything with cw_member_recid needs both
Anything with Dim_UserReferenceTypeID needs UserReferenceTypeID
IF Referenced used multiple times add [action]_ in front of each
i.e. updated_UserReferenceID & updated_UserReferenceTypeID
entered_UserReferenceID & entered__UserReferenceTypeID
How should these fields be referenced as columns in the views & procs?
UserReference.Name AS UserReferenceName
How should these fields be referenced in the joins of the views & procs?
JOIN to p_FOC.dbo.UserReference
Create the job/template for based backfill
Implement new columns on all non-ConnectWise replicated tables
Views & stored procedures
That already comply to standards - update logic to reference new standard (in original meeting discussed implementing as case statement but may need to reference a centralized table
@Daniel T. Anderson
will update verbiage when he has documented)
That need new columns added - add columns
Identify all the endpoints based on the tables & views
Update identified endpoints
Update any INSERTS/POSTS to reference new UserReferenceID & Type
Update to reference new fields in the views
If it’s the last interface reference, remove old fields (cw_Member_RecID) from the endpoint

PHASE I - Centralized User Reference cutover + Groundwork for cw_Member_RecID cutover
Finish centralized user reference
Document standards so Monisha can start updating the tables & views
Work with Monisha on the backfill Job for conversion from de-centralized to centralized user ref
Cutover existing UserRef to centralized solution
PHASE II - Create Standard + Execute Cutover for individual cw_Member_RecID references
Run through entire process for 1 root table (until we can run in batches)
Update documentation
Look for ways to optimize & run in batches.

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