icon picker


Password: Cheese11

Coffee Maker

Fill water tank
Dump existing filters/grounds in the silver container on the counter (this is for compost)
Add new filter (cabinet above the coffee maker)
Add grounds (also cabinet above the coffee maker)
Press power button
Press start brew button


Two remotes - one controls the TV, and one controls the sound bar. The one that controls the sound bar can also control the record player volume

Record Player / Music

Use to your heart’s content - when playing a new record, put it on the turntable, and just hit the Start button (the player will automatically move and place the needle)
The input on the amplifier (right under the turntable) needs to be on Phono (it should be already when turned on)
If you want your own music, the amplifier does have a Bluetooth option that you could connect to your phone

Controlled by Google Home:

8 Scentsies
Living Room Lights
Basement Lights
In morning, you can do “Hey Google, wake up” - all but living room lights will turn on
At bedtime, you can do “Hey Google, time for bed” - all but living room lights will turn off
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