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2022 PCT

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Food Boxes

One of the challenges starting at the Northern terminus of the PCT is that we pass through very few towns over the first several weeks; mailing food in advance is the preferred or only option at many resupply points. Before leaving we will have 4 boxes sent ahead, each with a measured amount of meals, snacks and consumables to last til the next resupply.
For the past week our dining area has been a prepper’s paradise, with enough food, toiletries, and condiments to last a month littered about. We finally got everything separated into boxes for the first 4 resupply points in northern Washington, ready to be shipped! It feels really good to have these prepared and reclaim our dining space 😎.
I put together a nutrition tracker so that we could count relevant metrics for each box such as total calories, number of dinners, and the estimated weight. We’re planning to consume about 4,000 calories a day, not including any treats while in town. While that may seem like a lot to take in we’ll still be running a deficit of several thousand calories most every day, so it’s important to fuel up as much as possible.
Despite our best efforts to mix it up, food fatigue is going to set in eventually. I expect that we’ll spread the encouragement at meal time just as much as challenges faced while hiking. Until it sets in though, I will be dreaming of trail junk like Ramen-Taters™️ and peanut-butter crackers 🍲. Checkout the page to see some more our staples while out on the trail.
It’s a good feeling having food for the first 20 days already bought, sorted, and packaged. The next time we prepare this much food to mail ahead will be in or around
@Cascade Locks

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