To download your software you must have a KEY— a unique 32-digit number. This KEY is private for you to download and unlock the software and it should NOT be shared with students.
Click the following link and submit the form to reveal your download link(s):
Click the DOWNLOAD LINK and choose SAVE to download the program to your computer, then follow the directions below. Note that you should only download the software one time, even if you plan to install it to more than one computer.
2. Unzip the Software
The file that is downloaded to your computer is a ZIP (Windows) or DMG (Mac) archive.
This means the file is compressed and cannot be played in this format.
Do not try to play or install the program yet. You must first EXTRACT the archive by following the directions below for Windows or Macintosh computers.
Windows ZIP
RIGHT CLICK the ZIP file on your computer and choose to EXTRACT ALL FILES.
This will create a new GOVENTURE FOLDER on your computer.
Delete the ZIP file so that it does not cause confusion with the extracted folder.
DOUBLE-CLICK the DMG file on your computer.
This will create a new GOVENTURE FOLDER that you must drag to your desktop or other location.
Delete the DMG file so that it does not cause confusion with the extracted folder.
Repeat the steps above for each GoVenture program you want to download.
3. Unlock the Software
Follow the directions for your product— you must have Internet to complete the unlock procedure.
Do NOT share your KEY with students.
GoVenture SUITE
Double-click the PLAY file in the SIMULATION folder and use your KEY to unlock the software as directed.
Choose to play the ENTREPRENEUR program and set the SAVE location as directed. You may then quit the program.
Internet access is no longer required.
Double-click file Play file in the SIMULATION folder and use your KEY to unlock the software as directed. You may then quit the program.
Internet access is no longer required.
Trouble Unlocking?
If you see a Mac OS X Security Message, click OK or ALLOW. More details are in section 4 below.
Your drive must allow WRITE permissions when you attempt to UNLOCK the GoVenture SUITE when prompted to enter your KEY. This may require you to have ADMIN rights on the computer where you are unlocking GoVenture.
Once you have unlocked the software, you no longer need WRITE permissions. If providing WRITE permissions is a problem, an easy workaround is to copy the GoVenture SUITE to a USB drive then run and unlock it from the USB drive. Once unlocked, you can then copy the GoVenture SUITE from the USB drive to your desired computer drive.
If your school is filtering the Internet, you may need to add this URL to your allow list:
The INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES folder has materials for instructors. This folder should be made available to teachers and facilitators only (not students). Click PLAY to launch the INSTRUCTOR MENU.
The SIMULATION folder has the GoVenture simulation for STUDENTS and INSTRUCTORS. Make this folder available to your users by copying it to a shared network drive or individual computer hard drives. Create a shortcut to the PLAY file to make it easier for your users to launch the program.
NOTE: GoVenture TYPING does not have the above folders as there are no external instructor resources. Click GoVentureTyping.exe to launch the program.
Copy or Move
You may choose to copy or move the GOVENTURE FOLDER to a network drive, computer hard drive, multiple computers, or USB drive. There is no silent install option.
Network Drive?
If you are installing to a shared network drive, all of the GoVenture folders and files must have the READ ONLY property set ON. To check this, RIGHT-CLICK the top-level GoVenture folder then click PROPERTIES and look at the ATTRIBUTES section.
Student Accounts
GoVenture does NOT use student accounts. Students do not have usernames and passwords. Students just click to play. With most GoVenture programs, students can SAVE their progress to a local save file— this allows them to quit and resume playing at a later time. Students must name and manage their own SAVE files or save locations.
If multiple people will be using the same computer(s) to play GoVenture, then they must have their own unique Windows or OS X logins to those computers. This is required for GoVenture to allow each student to save and resume their own progress, otherwise GoVenture will think they are the same player.
If you see a Mac OS X Security Message, click OK or ALLOW. See below for more details.
Product and License Types
You must not exceed the number of computer seats in your license. The productand license type you have licensed are encoded in the KEY provided to you with your purchase. Refer to your purchase receipt for additional details. To review detailed descriptions of your rights based on the License Type you have purchased, visit
Some versions of Apple OS X may trigger one or more security messages when launching GoVenture.
Normally, these messages will stop appearing once the user chooses OK to allow GoVenture to access the local drive.
It is not possible to predict exactly when these security messages will trigger. They may trigger multiple times for the same user (for example, when launching each GoVenture program for the first time).
Below is a sample window where the user must click OK. Note that most GoVenture programs are named PLAY. Instructors should inform students to click OK when these windows appear when attempting to play GoVenture.
If the user mistakenly chooses DON'T ALLOW, this will prevent GoVenture from functioning properly.
To correct this, the user must adjust the settings as follows:
System Settings
Privacy & Security
Files and Folders
Look for all PLAY apps and make sure that the proper access is allowed.
How Saving Works
When a student launches GoVenture, they will be presented with this message:
Your progress will be stored in a save file in the folder that you choose on the local computer, network drive, or external drive.
When you quit and restart this program, this same folder will be used to find the save file and resume your progress. Do not delete the save file or your progress will be lost. If you move the save file or folder, you will be prompted to choose the new location.
This save location will be stored in your Windows or macOS login profile. If this computer is shared by other people, you should choose a folder that is private to you. You should also log out of Windows or macOS when finished using the computer so that someone else does not use your save file.
If you play more than one GoVenture program, you will be prompted to choose a save location for each program. You may choose the same save location (separate save files will be created for each).
Technical Details — How to force GoVenture to prompt for a new SAVE location
You do not need to follow these directions unless a student save file has been moved by mistake.
Quit GoVenture.
When a student selects a save location, GoVenture stores the path to this location in the appdata folder.
To find the appdata folder for the user that is currently logged in to Windows, open Windows File Explorer and type %appdata% in the address bar then press [enter].
Find the folder with the same name as the GoVenture program you are using and double click it to open the folder.
Find and delete file Settings_x.x.x — the x.x.x will be the latest version number.
With the Settings file deleted, running GoVenture will prompt you to enter a new save location. If the save location you choose has a previously-saved simulation file, then GoVenture will resume that file.