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Antibody Club: Technical Documentation

Scene Specifications

xAll groups are optional, there are defaults set in place to account for missing Colliders, Camera groups etc.
The primary groups you’ll probably be using is Camera, Scene, and Colliders
Link to sample FBX
** indicates a naming convention and is case-sensitive - DO NOT CHANGE
EnvironmentTemplate Group
Camera ** Group
position ** Locator / Null
lookAt ** Locator / Null
ReturnPosition ** Locator / Null
ReturnLookAt ** Locator / Null
AutoCamPaths ** Group
AutoCam1 Group
position ** Nurb Curve
lookAt ** Nurb Curve
up ** Nurb Curve ( Optional )
AutoCam2 Group
position ** Nurb Curve
lookAt ** Nurb Curve
up ** Nurb Curve ( Optional )
Scene ** Group
YourGeometryTransforms Geometry / Grouped Geo
InstanceTransforms ** Group
InstanceObjName Group
YourInstanceLocation_1 Locator / Null
YourInstanceLocation_2 Locator / Null
YourInstanceLocation_N Locator / Null
AnotherInstanceObjName Group
YourInstanceLocation_1 Locator / Null
YourInstanceLocation_2 Locator / Null
YourInstanceLocation_N Locator / Null
Instances ** Group
InstanceObjName Geometry
As long as this geometry object is named the same as your group name in InstanceTransforms, it will be instanced onto your Locators / Null / Empty Groups.
The instance will use the position, rotation, and scale of your Null as the instanced object’s transforms. So please make sure this geometry is at Origin
Translate 0,0,0
Rotation 0,0,0
Scale 1,1,1
As of right now, instanced geometry doesn’t support forcible setting the material to Lambert or Flat, it will use the type of material you assign in your modeling software. ( Most likely Phong )
AnotherInstanceObjName Geometry
You can have as many as you want, just make sure the name matches up with your group’s name within InstanceTransforms
LambertColor ** Group
LambertMaterialGeo Geometry
FlatColor ** Group
FlatMaterialGeo Geometry
Glass ** Group
TransparentMaterialGeo Geometry
Because transparent geometry breaks Z-Depth calculation, all geometry in the “Glass” group is turned off upon render to allow for proper z-depth calculations
Transparency can be applied to any material, but this group is specifically for “line of sight” blocked geometry, like Glass
Sky ** Group
SkyGeo Geometry
The sky is turned off upon render, to allow for “infinite” Z-Depth calculations. So OpenGL shaders can calculate an infinite distance.
This will mostly be used if artists want to create ray marching effects.
AnimatedTextures ** Group
AnimatedMaterialGeo Geometry
ScrollingTextures ** Group
ScrollingMaterialGeo Geometry
HDRView ** Group
EquirectangularMaterialGeo Geometry
Any geometry object here will use its Diffuse/Albedo color Map as a 360 view
Items ** Group
LowGravity_1 Locator / Null
LizardKing_1 Locator / Null
StarField_1 Locator / Null
InfinityZoom_1 Locator / Null
Clickable ** Group
GeometryPlaneObject Geometry
Promo ** Group
GeometryPlaneObject Geometry
Colliders ** Group
Ground ** Group
FloorPlane Geometry / Grouped Geo
Portal ** Group
ColliderGeometry Geometry / Grouped Geo
Items ** Group
ColliderTops ** Group
ColliderWalls ** Group
RoomWarpZone ** Group
ColliderGeometry Geometry / Grouped Geo
PortalExit ** Group
ColliderGeometry Geometry / Grouped Geo
Scripted ** Group
ScriptedGeometry Geometry
Its unlikely you’ll need this unless you are creating a custom Room in Javascript.
Allowing you to create a more catered experience in your Room.
The geometry in this group is for accessing via Javascript
Any geometry in this group will be added to you geoList[’yourGeoName’] so you can access it from Javascript
In tandem with this, any custom assigned materials in your Room’s Javascript file will also be accessible from geoList[’yourGeoName’]

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