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Design principles

4. Human-Phone Interaction

Last edited 77 days ago by Matthieu Jeunet

Leverage players (past) knowledge by using standards and ease the use of mobile interactions.


These will help everybody and particularly players with motor disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Make sure that each interactive element has at least a 48px* hit area.
Leave a gap of 12 px* between the interactive elements to limit accidental tap.
*Those reference sizes are for tools like Figma or Photoshop working @1x. It means that the frame/artboard size is at 640 x 360 pixels, not points. Multiple these values by 2 or 3 if you are working @2x (@720px) or @3x (@1080px). Finally, make sure to find the right equivalent when integrating as engines and tools within engines may have units that differ.

Best practices

Work in progress

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.