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Design principles

2. Signs & feedback

Last edited 77 days ago by Matthieu Jeunet

Encourage players to accomplish actions and/or keep them informed of what is going on.

Visual clarity

These will help everybody and particularly players with visual disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Make sure interactive elements stand out (e.g. contrast, VFX, etc.) against surrouding visuals. If for a design rationale you don't want them to stand out in the player experience, allow players to have some flexibility around them (e.g. make them stand out or not).
If relevant to your game, help players find their way with clear maps, guidance, and paths directly in the environnement.

Best practices

Work in progress


These will help everybody and particularly players with visual disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Do not use color alone to show critical information, use other ways too, like shapes or icons.

Best practices

Work in progress


These will help everybody and particularly players with auditory disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Make sure that critical information is not conveyed through sound only.

Best practices

Work in progress

Sensory sensitivity

These will help everybody and particularly players with sensory disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

If haptics are used, players have the option to turn them off. And as for sounds or color, do not only rely on haptics to convey critical information.

Best practices

Work in progress
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