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Design principles

1. Adaptability & efficiency of use

Last edited 77 days ago by Matthieu Jeunet

Provide players the flexibility they need to customize their experience to let them use their abilities effectively over time and contexts.


These will help everybody.

Minimum recquirements

Players can reach settings anytime; and especially during the FTUE. For instance, they can customize their controls before/during their FTUE.

Best practices

Gameplay/difficulty can be fine-tuned.


These will help everybody and particularly players with motor disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Players can edit controls in terms of behaviors, sizes or positions.
Players can play games in landscape no matter the orientation of the device (front camera is either on the left or on the right).

Best practices

Support controllers when relevant. If you do, allow controls cuztomisation.


These will help everybody and particularly players with auditory disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

The game is designed so that subtitles do not cover any important information.
Subtitles are displayed by default.
All important speech have subtitles available.
Subtitles and captions are displayed within the same interface element.
Each subtitle has no more than two lines. Each line should be under 50 characters long.
Subtitles are written in sentence case (not all caps or all lower case) with a clear (sans-serif) typeface.
To have a compliant contrast ratio against many backgrounds, subtitles have a solid colored background, displayed by default. Players can toggle on/off this background. If it is deactivated by the players, the text needs visual attention to meet compliant contrast ratio against varied background.
Speakers are identified the first time they talk.

Best practices

Work in progress


These will help everybody and particularly players with auditory and cognitive disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Players can adjust separately the volume of different sounds like music, effects or dialogues

Best practices

Work in progress

Sensory sensitivity

These will help everybody and particularly players with sensory disabilities.

Minimum recquirements

Don't use flashing images that last for more than 5 seconds or moving patterns that cover a quarter of the screen. If you need to use them, give players the option to turn them off. However, turn these effects off automatically if "reduced motion" is turned on at OS level.

Best practices

Work in progress

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