It’s not supposed to be hard to lead a canvassing section! Thank you so much for helping out. This doc will hopefully answer most of your questions and walk you through the process. It’s meant as a guide to help, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box!
Who do you have for support?
You can reach out to
@Matthew Zirbel
or Michelle for any general support and guidance
If you have any questions about the outreach guide, reach out to Matthew or Curtis
If you need help organizing carpools, reach out to Carla Cabral
If you need any specific tech help, reach out to
@Matthew Zirbel
or Alex Taylor
Summary of Key Responsibilities for Leads
Confirming time/location for meeting
Let Antonelle know for the calendar
Tell everyone in your group chat, ideally at least a couple days in advance
Bringing and returning materials
See materials checklist below
Get turfs/phone lists from Curtis, but it is the leads responsibility to request them
Doing the briefing and delivering key instructions/training
See briefing checklist below
Taking attendance
Managing group chats
Adding new people who can commit to most weeks going forward
for the next week, and find the time you’d like to lead a session. Ideally we’d like to have them on weekday evenings, around 5-8, and weekends between 10am and 8pm. Less overlap is good so that people who have plans on most days are able to find a regular time to attend
@Antonelle Racelis
know the date, time frame, and location you’d like to host your event and she’ll include it in
Recommended: Make a signal chat and let Antonelle know to include the invite link in the calendar event
Then, invite some people! We’re trying not to reach out to the same people too much but it’s ok if some people have already been invited to a different event
Make sure you have all the materials you need - can coordinate with Curtis to have it picked up in advance unless the event is being run from the house
Be sure to confirm the day before or the day of with everyone who says they’re coming. People will often flake if they aren’t DM’d with a reminder of the event the next day
Remind people to charge their phones
Running the Event
Briefing Materials
Things that are always available at the house:
Campaign lit
Painter’s Tape
Clipboards or bags to hold material
Picture booklet
Yes on J Shirts
Yes on J stickers, buttons and bumper stickers
Yard signs
These may be available at the house, but should check with Curtis or Rocky:
Extra battery pack for phone (optional)
Water/snacks (optional for events less than 2 hours)
Sunscreen (optional)
Getting Ready
Anyone who doesn’t own a Yes on J shirt already should be given one. This does not include people who own one but aren’t wearing it
Make sure everyone is on brand with their attire: No political messaging other than Yes on J, solid color shirts are fine, casual is fine but no sweatpants. We’re not soliciting, so we don’t need to avoid houses with No Soliciting signs. However, we still can’t enter gated communities with signage to keep us out.
For anyone who doesn’t have enough experience, assign them a buddy to shadow for a couple interactions, then have their buddy shadow them. They should be able to go over their interactions and improve
Make sure every group has tape, leaflets, a handful of stickers and buttons, and a Measure J picture book; as well as a clipboard and water/snacks if they want
Start with an inspiring speech about Measure J, what we’re doing and why
Remind people not to put tape on paint
Remind people to never put things in mailboxes or open mailboxes (federal crime)
Remind people to ask supportive voters if they want a yard sign or a poster
Anyone who says yes to this should be noted down by the canvasser (i.e. screenshot the address)
Canvassers should immediately deliver yard signs or posters to all who requested them in their turf when they are finished their turf (same day delivery)
Role play at least one conversation, preferably two
Give people and end meeting location and time
People who are up to speed and familiar with VAN can get sent their turf
For people who are not up to speed:
Set people up with the MiniVAN app, and make sure they know how to use it. There is a
Take attendance on ADB or relay attendees first and last name to
@Antonelle Racelis
to take attendance
Write the event name as ‘CEFF’ ie “CEFF Doorknocking” and put type as ‘outreach’ event
To get access to ADB if planning on hosting multiple events, please contact Antonelle
Marking Guide
Go over the following with door knockers:
Be sure to ask for the resident’s name. We want them to be marked accurately so that we know whether to follow up with a call later.
We’re not intending to be returning to people’s homes, so marking will primarily be used to determine whether to call the voters later. As such:
Getting their name is important in the conversation
Mark as not home if you don’t get their name
If they’re not the person listed, you can add them in VAN
Everyone else who you didn’t talk to should be marked as not home
Talk to everyone who came, hear about how it went and what conversations did well and what did badly. It’s important that everyone feels good and supported, and that even negative experiences are contextualized in a positive framing around the door knocking event