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Children of Uganda Campaign Strategy

Project Scope Summary

From April 19, 2021 - July 16, 2021, Marketing Mission will work with the Legal Foundation of Washington to develop an automated marketing plan to promote your monthly giving membership program. In collaboration with LFW staff, our scope will include the following deliverables:
Marketing strategy and audience engagement
Brand messaging + donor talking point development
Organic social media campaign
Paid social media advertising campaign
Website landing pages
Email welcome series
Email nurture + monthly giving series

Elaborating on the scope summary above, Marketing Mission will work hand-in-hand with LFW staff for 3 months to co-create and co-execute this marketing campaign. Our time together will be broken into three phases: awareness, consideration, and conversion.

Phase 1: Awareness

Talking Points for Campaign
When your marketing talking points don’t align with the way your team speaks to donors, people lose trust in your organization. Together, we will develop custom brand messaging + talking points to align all marketing and communications for this campaign.
Organic Social Media Campaign
Now more than ever, social media is used to pique people’s curiosity. We’ll develop a social media campaign to increase awareness of the new monthly giving campaign and warm people up to the idea of giving monthly. Plus, we’ll make sure it’s evergreen content so you can recycle posts every quarter to continue the momentum.

Phase 2: Consideration

Website Landing Page
Most people do not read websites, they scan them. In order for a person to stop scanning a website and start reading it—to move from curiosity to a desire for enlightenment—we will help your team build a campaign landing page that clearly communicates the answer to three critical questions:
Why is this donation so important to our community?
How will it make my life or community better?
What do I need to do to take action?

Email Campaigns
Creating an email campaign gives you the chance to spend quantity time with your customers. Slowly, over a period of weeks, months, and perhaps even years, your customers become accustomed to hearing from you, receiving free value, and begin to trust you. Trust, of course, leads to commitment.
Email Welcome Series
We build trust by showing up in their inbox and reminding them of your organization’s developing an automated donor email welcome series to introduce your new email subscribers to your programming and impact.
Nurture Series
We also develop an automated 6 part email nurture series focused on converting donors to monthly donors.
Social Media Advertising
Using the momentum and data from the Goldmark Award Luncheon, we will create a social media ad retargeting campaign. The role of retargeting is to turn new website visitors, social media followers, and donors into long-term partners. Retargeting these individuals with social media ads puts your ask in front of people who are more likely to make a monthly gift (rather than asking complete strangers to fund your mission).

Phase 3: Conversion

Website Donation Page
At this stage, people have been inspired by your mission, are educated on the need, and aware of how to get involved. Now it’s time to up the level of engagement by asking your audience to support your organization. We’ll help your team build a monthly giving landing page that encourages them to give.

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