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Children of Uganda Campaign Strategy

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Who are we?
Children of Uganda (COU), formerly Uganda Children’s Charity Foundation, was founded and formally registered as a non-profit in 1995. Children of Uganda empowers women and youth with opportunities to build sustainable skills and community networks, so they can break the chains of dependence and the cycle of poverty to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Why we are here?
Uganda continues to face a humanitarian crisis, the realities of which have only worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdowns disproportionately affect vulnerable groups like women and children, leading to increases in gender-based violence and the elimination of jobs. The pressure guardians face to provide for their children is overwhelming without a sustainable and adequate income source.
Ugandan women face the enormous responsibility to feed, clothe, and educate their children. In a country where 41% of people live in poverty and almost half of Uganda’s population is under 15, families exist in a vicious cycle of poverty.
Nearly 50% of women in Uganda are married off by the age of 18 (with 10% by age 15).
Women have an average birth rate of 5.59 children, compared to a global figure of 2.5.
Nearly 50% of children do not complete primary school.

How do we address these injustices?
Our locally-developed Family Empowerment Program (FEP) guides guardians through three core areas to strengthen the foundation of households and improve the welfare of children:
Skills training and economic empowerment via Income Generating Activities (IGAs)
Financial knowledge and accountability through Village Savings & Loan Associations (VSLAs)
Family counseling, community health and wellness

How have we made an impact?
2,400+ women and children impacted by the Family Empowerment Program
1,000+ children provided a private education
90 income-generating projects supported
200+ families provided emergency relief during the COVID-19 pandemic

How does your support make an impact?
Your donation helps empower Ugandans by providing:
education and career training
school tuition and fees for a family in need
access to basic medical care at boarding school
a safe place to live
counseling and mental health support
the opportunity for women to be self-sustaining by initiating their own Income-Generating Activity (IGA)
community development, networking, and support via Village Savings & Loan Associations (VSLAs)

What are we asking you for?
A donation now to help illuminate the path to social justice in Uganda.

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