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Soko documentation
Introduction to Soko

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Key concepts

Base entities

In Soko, projects are structured around several key entities. The base entities that each Soko Project contains are:
Managers who plan, organize and coordinate the project
Folder Objects help Managers organize a project structure
Custom attributes add additional information to the Project, Tasks, and Folder Objects.
Assignees are users working on assigned Tasks
Tasks are assignments that should be completed by Assignees
Work Files contain drafts that Assignees are working on
After an Assignees completes an assignment, they publish a new Version
Multiple Versions are grouped into one Output
A Task can hold several Outputs
Dependent Tasks can be linked
Inputs represent Outputs from linked Tasks and contain files needed for task completion.
An Output can hold several Versions
A Version can hold multiple Files
Reviewers are reviewing Files within the Version created by the Assignee

Soko flowchart.jpg

Users Roles

In SOKO, we distinguish between two types of user roles: Security Roles and Project Roles. Understanding the distinction between security roles and project roles in SOKO is crucial for efficient project and user management. Security roles provide a broad level of access across the platform, while project roles focus on specific projects, ensuring users have access to the necessary information tailored to their responsibilities.

Distinction Between Security Roles and Project Roles

Security Roles
Define what parts of the SOKO platform a user can access (e.g., Client view, User view, Bidding view). Each security role grants access to different attributes and custom attributes, ensuring that users only see and interact with data relevant to their role. For example, a Financial Manager will have access to budget and financial data that an Artist would not see.
Project Roles
Define access to specific projects within the platform, ensuring that users only interact with the projects they are involved in. For instance, a Manager project role may only manage projects they are assigned to, not all projects in the system.
Project roles determine also the type of notifications a user receives, ensuring that only relevant information is communicated based on their involvement in a project. For example Manager is notified when a task reaches 100% of planned hours, Reviewer when there is a new version for review and Artist when a new note is created or when a task status changes to "Ready to start". See more about .

Folder objects

Tasks can be organized into several folders to improve project structure.
These folders can be:
Generic folders
Custom folder objects like sequences, shots, or assets.
Using custom folders allows you to easily filter different types of objects across multiple folders. For example, you can filter all compositing tasks in every shot or check the status of each shot within all sequences.

Custom attributes

Custom attributes add additional information to the project, tasks, and folder objects. You can then easily filter or group objects and tasks by these attributes.
Custom attributes types:
Whole Number
Decimal Number
Multiselect list
Custom attributes can be inheritable, allowing child objects to inherit values from parent objects. For example, setting the Frame Rate or Resolution attributes at the Project level means all sequences and shots will automatically use these values. If a specific sequence or shot requires a different frame rate or resolution, you can override the inherited custom attribute by manually changing it at the individual object level. This ensures flexibility while maintaining consistent attribute values across the project.


When assignees complete an assignment, they publish a new version to a specific output. A task can have multiple outputs, and each output can contain several versions. Additionally, a version can include multiple files.


Inputs contains files needed to complete a Task and can be:
External: Source data from a client. They are published to a specific task or another folder object such as a Shot or Asset so these inputs are available for all the tasks within the Shot or Asset
Internal (Linked Inputs): Published files created in other tasks within the project, added by linking dependent tasks together.
These links between individual tasks can be viewed in the Links view.

This ensures that when an Assignee opens a Lookdev task, they will see every new Version created in the Model task in their Inputs tab.

Work Files

Work files contain users' draft files that are used to complete tasks. Assignees can create new work files, open existing ones, or open specific software directly from this tab.
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