Send the suggested itineary and ask for a critical feedback about places, experiences, logistics, meals distribution, etc. Make sure people have easy options of lunch or dinner to buy when it’s not included
Share reviews and ask for another newer hotel option for Colombo
Example: Marino Beach ($110), Sofia ($98) or Granbell ($98)
Share review about Negombo hotel and for another option in Negombo
Share reviews of Big Camp and why not to stay there
All ok about Amaya Lake and Jetwing Kandy Gallery hotels
Should we visit Sigiriya or Pidurangala?
Advantages of Ritigala Monastery over visiting Anuradhapura or Polonnaruwa
Do you suggest 2nd or 3rd class for the best train photos?
Habarana Cycling Tour or Trails of Matale?
Is there another good beach town close to the internacional airport?