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Google Trends Project

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Google Trends Project

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Traditional economic indicators are too slow to guide timely decision-making, hindering the ability to address financial hardship and its impact on health outcomes and equity in communities.


Use Google Trends to derive financial health markers related to food, rent security, access to healthcare, disaster relief, and more. This provides real-time data on financial hardship, health concerns, and the impact of events and changes in communities, helping policymakers address these issues faster and create environments where everyone can thrive.

Target Audience

Policymakers–Local and national policymakers–who are concerned about financial health and want to make informed decisions about policies.
Researchers studying economic impacts and policy effectiveness.
Financial Institutions (banks, insurance companies, etc) who will use the product to help assess and manage areas of improvement in financial health in the locations where they have a presence.
Businesses who want to assess their corporate social responsibility initiatives and use the data for corporate planning.
Nonprofit organization and media platforms who will benefit from the data and insights to better allocate resources and drive public attention to specific issues and news stories.
General public who are interested and want to understand unique financial health challenges that affect various communities.

How It’ll Work

Data Collection and Analysis: Easily track financial stress indicators and pinpoint areas of concern.
Delivering Insights to Stakeholders: Dashboard with real-time view of financial challenges to guide decision-making.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Apply and gain access to Google Trends API
Search for short-term funding and build a product demo
Collaborate with leading research universities
Explore strategic partners and users (e.g. target audiences)
Secure necessary resources to scale and sustain the project


Engineering & Analysis
Tony Ramos, Oscar Wahltinez, Anjal Parikh
Strategy, Partnerships, & Whatever Needs Done
Sarah Cherian, Soham Patel, Scott Glasgow

Research Collaborators (verbally committed)

University of Tennessee:
Tony Via, PhD
University of Melbourne:
Sam Tsiaplias, PhD
University of Vaasa:
University of Umeå
Esteban Guerrero Rosero, PhD

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