I never feel like my work is good enough
I want to take a break, but when I do I think, “that’s time I could have spent working”
I don’t really sleep well at night
Deep down, I have no idea how to relax
On a regular basis, I feel myself shaking with stress
Tbh I’m utterly exhausted, but I don’t know how to stop because, life
When I go out, it should be an “experience” otherwise it feels like a waste
Free time feels like wasted time
Recently I've been having more temporary memory lapses
I feel like I “should” work, not that I “want” to work
I feel like everyone is figuring out their careers except for me
While I used to love my work, recently I dread the thought of it
I rarely feel engaged with my work anymore
I recently feel like I’m just going through the motions when I create things
I feel like I’ve exhausted myself fully, but I can’t free myself of the compulsion to go on regardless
I feel like I have no idea how to get out of this mess
I don’t really know what I’m doing or why I’m doing it
I’m not even sure I want the life that I have
Honestly, the thought of doing nothing stresses me out
When I tune out the world and listen to my body, I can feel my heart racing
What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I create something meaningful/successful?
I’m failing at everything I try, while everyone else is succeeding
Small things really bother me (barking dogs, etc)
I don’t feel comfortable when I’m not working/making things
I feel like the “project manager” of my life and I can't balance it all