Hey, is that (CUSTOMER NAME)? My name is (YOUR NAME), I’m just calling in regards to the enquiry you made about a solar system for your property in (SUBURB), how are you?
Wait for response
Is now a good time to chat?
Wait for response
I’ll briefly explain how the program works, and then I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
We put up a solar system for zero dollars upfront - as you would have seen from the ad, there’s no upfront cost or any deposit required. From there, you would pay for the system in monthly instalments, and that’s using the savings from your electricity bill.
Basically what we’re aiming to do is divert what you’re already paying for electricity and put that back into solar system payments so you’re not out of pocket, and the goal is that your solar payments would be lower than your current bill.
So that’s us in a nutshell - have you been looking into solar for a while?
Wait for response
Let them talk: figure out what’s held them back in the past, engage about the cost of electricity, what’s gotten them interested in solar, etc.
Deflect any questions they have about pricing, products, etc onto the specialist consultation.
Engage with them, let your personality come out, and help them feel like they can trust you.
If they’ve already gotten quotes, ask them what the quotes are (how big of a system and the cost). This helps your specialist gauge how we can be competitive.
How much are you paying for electricity at the moment? (be sure to ask if that’s per month or per quarter!)
Wait for response
Wow, and how many people are living in the house at the moment? (great way to find out if there is a partner/other decision maker or if the person on the phone is the only decision maker and get their name)
If it’s around $100-150 per month, let them know that they’re around our cost-neutral threshold, and they’re unlikely to be excessively out of pocket.
If they’re paying less than the average, let them know that solar can still be a good option for them, but they may be a little bit out of pocket.
If they pay more than the average, let them know they’re in a good position for solar.
What sort of electric appliances are you using?
Wait for response
Thank you for that (CUSTOMER NAME), that gives me a better idea on what’s using electricity.
So there are two steps to the process with us: the first step is just a quick chat with me to see what questions I can answer & to find out if you’re eligible for our program. If everything lines up, the second step is getting you booked for a phone consultation with one of our solar specialists. They’re the ones that look over your bills and see what might be suitable for your property.
So, if you’d like, I’m happy to go through some of the questions and get you set up with one of our specialists.
Wait for response
When going through the following questions, it’s often helpful to go through them as if they’re a checklist.
You’ll want to be less engaged here, and more “getting through the list,” in order to not make your lead uncomfortable with more personal questions.
Great. So I have ADDRESS here. Is that correct?
What is your roof made out of? Wait for response
Is your house a single or a double-story? Wait for response
Are there any trees or anything that will cast shade over the roof? Wait for response
Are you planning to stay in this house long-term? How long do you plan on staying in this house? Wait for response
If they’re not planning on staying in the house long-term, make sure to write that down in the notes so the specialist is prepared and can offer the clients the best solution.
Great thank you for confirming those details about your home. There are just a few questions about the program criteria as well:
Are you working at the moment? Full-time, Part-time? Wait for response
Is the household income greater than $60,000 per year? Wait for response
Do you or your partner have a FICO above 650? Wait for response
Great! Based on all of this, you're eligible for the program. So when would be a good opportunity for you and PARTNER’S NAME to have a phone consultation?
Wait for response
Try to book within a 24-48 hour period. If they ask why both partners need to be there, let them know that it’s essential to have both homeowners present – it’s an extensive discussion, and there are usually good questions that may arise from both of them.
Great so I’ve booked you for (APPT DATE & TIME).
A couple things we will need to assess your usage and to see if we can reduce your monthly spend on power is a copy of your most recent power bill, did you have one handy?
Wait for response
Great! And for our electricians and engineering team, they will also need a photo of your main electrical panel, do you know where that’s located?
Wait for response
So I'll shoot through an email shortly with a bit of information about our company, Freedom Forever.
So take a look at that info when it comes across and if you can respond to that email with the pictures of your bill and switchboard photo and Ill send that to our specialists so they can assess that information for your next call.
Well thank you so much for your time and just so you're aware the next call is of course a no obligation to move forward but should all the numbers add up and be in your favour, do you think you would be ready to start an application with our specialist, to see if we can get you approved for the program?
Great no worries at all and if you didn't have any more questions for me?
Ill shoot through that email shortly and please be sure to reply promptly.
Have a great day
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