Ergonomic equipment requests are a frequent job accommodation request HR professionals receive. It’s important to have a process to manage these requests for compliance purposes but will also make for a better employee experience in receiving detailed, consistent, and timely communication.
This document provides a comprehensive request tracker, pre-configured to easily send out communications and track relevant notes and case status. Start here to customize this document for your organization’s needs
Modify the email templates under → Determine deadline for when you’d like your health form returned. This template currently uses a formula of 10 days from Request Date. Edit calculation if you’d like that formula changed. Now that you’ve configured your template, you’re ready to start processing your first Ergo request!
Instructions for User
If employees are added to your Coda workspace, you can update the column to people and modify the email column to automatically pull their email-address. Indicate Request Date. This determines the Health Form Deadline Ergonomic Request Intake is auto-selected as your default email for your new request. Hit button Send Email Employee should return the completed health provider form. Upload this to Record Keeping File Evaluate your employee’s request. If approved, select “Ergonomic Request Approved” under Email Subject and hit button Send Email As you interact with your employee, it’s recommended to keep notes for any accommodation cases. Note dates and key events under notes 💥 using this emoji will highlight under Summary Notes Coordinate your equipment to be sent to employee. When finished with your Accommodations case, mark Request Complete