Helping as many people as possible
Casting as wide a net as possible. We want to provide lemonade to the entire world someday!
There’s a lot of people out there with a lot of lemons and not enough lemonade.
Improving the taste of Mary’s Lemonade®
We don’t just want to make Lemonade, we want to make the best lemonade.
Better lemonade means better vibes. Better vibes means more smiles.
Improving our website
It’s been 20 years since we renovated our website. It’s time for a change.
Our ability to become a world-renowned organization rests on the way we outwardly present ourselves. No one wants lemonade from someone they don’t trust!
High level partnership program
Creating a network of not for profit food manufacturers
This will help us scale more effectively, minimize costs, and develop forward-looking partnerships