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Two-way Google Translate

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How to use it?

Select two different languages as Language 1 and Language 2 that you want to translate between
Enter some text in the Enter text box that you want to translate
Click the Translate button
Look for a new row to appear in the table with one column for the text translated into Language 1, and another for the text translated into Language 2
Note that it will detect the source language automatically, so you can enter text in a different language than the selected languages, and it will still work.
The translations are saved in the table, but you can click the Clear translations button.


You can translate in real time without needing to click the Translate button by creating a new row in the table, then entering the text to translate under the Original text column (you must have already selected the languages for this to work)
Translations are saved in the table with the languages used in the translation
You can click on the copy buttons below the table to copy either translation to your clipboard

What is it for?

When encountering other languages, it is often useful to both understand text written in that language by translating it to a language you can understand, as well as writing text in that language by translating it from a language you can understand.
Holding a conversation with a person or interacting with a system in another language, usually requires frequently switching between these two usages. This can be tedious to accomplish with current Google Translate products, as it requires setting the from and to languages each time.
This tool facilitates that process by enabling you to set the two languages once at the start, and then automatically detecting the language to translate into both target languages, without requiring to set the direction of translation each time.

Are the translations accurate?

The translation is powered by the Google Translate engine, so the translations should be the exact same as when using the Google Translate website or app.

Can I make my own?

Yes! Click the Copy doc button on the top right of the page to copy the doc into your account.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.