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Logipedia: “The Best of Both Sides Better”

Media today often only shows one side of the story and is heavily sensationalized. If you are like most people that we’ve talked to, you understand how much of a problem that is for our society. Though you probably also realize how much time it truly takes to be informed about both sides of any given topic. The creators of Logipedia have seen this and want to help fix it. Our end goal is to create a site that allows you to become more informed on more topics from both sides faster. We create articles that show the pros and cons of a claim along with a large selection of quotes from scholarly works, news, and general websites that support each pro and con. See to see what this looks like!
Logipedia in Beta: Logipedia and its auto-researcher are currently in Beta, so is especially useful

Use Cases

Politically Interested Individuals

If you are interested in seeing both sides of of today’s important issues but don’t have time to do the research yourself, Logipedia is the place for you!
white concrete building under sky
men's black blazer

Speech and Debate & Toastmasters

Logipedia is a great choice for those wanting to be competitive in Speech and Debate. We can speed up research immensely, allowing you to focus more on high level argumentation than brunt research.

Political Forecasting Competitions

Logipedia can help collect the differing perspectives on different issues for forecasting, allowing for more nuanced and accurate forecasts and increased brier scores for competitions hosted by groups like !
person holding clear glass glass
2 white dices on blue surface

Purchase/Fund Custom Articles

We hope to expand into helping students do research for papers faster, help bring insight to worldview/philosophy/religion, and more! If you are interested in seeing a page created for a topic, mention it in the and we can discuss what it would take to get certain topics made. You can also suggest topics without giving a donation

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