Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,POC
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,VC Investment,Pitch,Mentor
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,POC
Accelerator,VC Investment
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Male,POC
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,POC,Male
Early Stage,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,POC,Male
Black or African American ,POC
10-21-22 at 6 PM EST
Black or African American ,POC
All,Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,POC
Seed Stage,Concept,Idea
Male,Black or African American ,POC
Pre-Accelerator,Startup Program
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC
All,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,Latino/a/x,POC
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
In-Kind,Impact Investment,Work Space
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All
Startup,Non Profit,Main Street
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women,POC
Black or African American ,Male,POC
Seed Stage,MVP,Idea
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Male,POC
Startup Program,Impact Investment,Incubator
MVP,Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Male,Veteran,POC,Under-represented Investors ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Women
MVP,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Male,POC,Women,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Startup Program,Mentor
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,LBGTQ,POC,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Male,Veteran,Women,POC
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Male,Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,POC,Women
Accelerator,VC Investment
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC,Women
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,LBGTQ,POC,Women
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Male,POC,Women and girls of color
VC Investment,Accelerator,Loan
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,LBGTQ,Veteran,POC,Military Veterans
VC Investment,Pitch
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Women and girls of color,POC,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women
Black or African American ,Male,Veteran,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Male,LBGTQ
Black or African American ,Women,Military Veterans ,POC,LBGTQ,Male,Women and girls of color
Startup,Non Profit,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
All,Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP,Concept,Idea
Black or African American ,Male,Women and girls of color,POC,Military Veterans
Accelerator,VC Investment
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,South Asian,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Main Street Business,All
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women,POC,Women and girls of color
Main Street,Startup
Veteran,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women
Seed Stage,MVP
Veteran,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,POC,Military Veterans
Main Street Business,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP,Concept,Idea
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Main Street Business,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Main Street,Startup
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Accelerator,VC Investment
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Main Street Business,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Latino/a/x,Black or African American
Pre-Accelerator,Accelerator,VC Investment
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,LBGTQ
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Concept,Seed Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
2022 HerRise MicroGrant Applicant must be a HerSuiteSpot members, registration is free at www.hersuitespot.com/register
Early Stage,Concept,Idea
Pitch,Grant,VC Investment,Showcase
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,VC Investment,Pre-Accelerator,In-Kind,Showcase,Work Space,Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator,Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Workforce,Loan,Fellowship,Prizes,Boot Camp
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP,Concept,Idea,Main Street Business,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
VC Investment,In-Kind,Mentor,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage
$500K in grants and free software
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
In-Kind,Non Profit
LBGTQ,Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Grant,Non Profit
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Deadline March 31, 2023. Grant,Non Profit,In-Kind
Non Profit,Startup Program,Grant
Non Profit,Startup,Individual
Grant,Non Profit
Black or African American ,Male,POC
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase,#r27
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Training,Incubator,Accelerator,Startup Program
Startup,Main Street,Individual,All
F6S.com Register your startup here. Build a personal and startup profile. Lots of opportunities and resources.
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,In-Kind,Showcase,Work Space,Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator,Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Workforce,Loan,Fellowship,Prizes,Boot Camp,Networking,Non Profit,Training,Consortium
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
Startup Program,Networking
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,All
Startup Program,Impact Investment
Startup Program,Incubator,Impact Investment
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,LBGTQ
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Early Stage,Debt, stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Seed Stage,Late stage
Veteran,Military Veterans
Women and girls of color,POC
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Early Stage,Late stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Debt, stage
Early Stage,Late stage,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Late stage,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Late stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,Veteran,POC
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,POC
POC,All,Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,People with Disabilities,Military Veterans
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Impact Investing,VC
Women and girls of color,Non-binary
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,POC
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,POC
Training program,VC
Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,POC
Under Represented Founders,Under-represented Investors
Women and girls of color,POC
Women and girls of color,POC
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
All,Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,In-Kind,Showcase,Work Space,Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator,Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Workforce,Loan,Fellowship,Prizes,Boot Camp,Networking,Non Profit,Training,Consortium
Main Street Business,Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Expansion phase,Exit phase,All,accelarator,Micro vc,VC,Network,Training program,Impact Investing,fellows program,Mentorship,‘venture development investment,Incubater,Late stage,corporate vc,Debt, stage,series A,false
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
eMerge Americas Startup Showcase 2023
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,In-Kind,Showcase,Work Space,Mentor,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator,Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Workforce,Loan,Fellowship,Prizes,Boot Camp,Networking,Training,Consortium
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary
Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Male,Women,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women,POC
Pitch,Mentor,Startup Program,Incubator
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Latino/a/x,Male,Women and girls of color,Immigrants, Canadians
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Under Represented Founders,Women,Male
Grant,Startup Program,Mentor
Early Stage,MVP,Growth Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Women and girls of color,Black or African American
Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator
Early Stage,Idea,Growth Stage
Women,Under Represented Founders,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,POC
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Male,Women and girls of color,Military Veterans
Grant,Mentor,Startup Program,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Grant,Pitch,VC Investment
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Growth Stage,Concept,Idea
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color
Early Stage,Idea,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC,Under-represented Investors
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male
Impact Investment,Accelerator
Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Concept
Black or African American ,POC
Angel Investment,Pre-Accelerator,VC Investment
Early Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Main Street,Startup,Individual,Non Profit
Startups on the Blocks Founder Best Practice Event
VC Investment,Accelerator,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Main Street,Individual,Startup
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Black or African American ,Male
VC Investment,Startup Program
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Growth Stage,Concept,MVP,Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,Veteran
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male
Grant,Pre-Accelerator,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Veteran,Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,Male,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,American Indians or Native Americans,Women
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Boot Camp,Startup Program
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,MVP,Concept
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Pitch,Showcase,Startup Program
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Mentor,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup Program,Corporate Innovation
Seed Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment,Pitch
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$2000 Airtable Credit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
12 months free on Growth Plan, save up to 1,000
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase,#r27
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Build and scale with up to $100,000 in AWS Activate credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
30% off for 3 Months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
12 months free
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50k+ of free transaction credits, save up 1,000
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Swift Tech Scholarships (2)
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black Women Empowered Save Haven
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,Women,Black or African American
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Claim up to $7,000 USD in Credits.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
55,000 Monthly Credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$3000 in ClickUp Credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
30% off for 3 months, save up to 86
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$1000 in Credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
33% off of expert software development for up to 6 months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
12 months free for startups Basic Plan, save up to 1,800
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% discount your first year
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startups can receive 12 months of infrastructure credit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Get 10% Off Entire Contract
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off for 6 months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
35% off any plan for 12 months, save up to 75
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Get started with up to $10,000 in credits.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
90% off the 1st year, (then 50% of the 2nd year and 25% lifetime)
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
10,000/month in IMB Cloud Credits, for up to one year.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$75 credit toward your first sponsored job.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off for a year
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
95% off on the Advanced Intercom features and on the Early stage Academy, save up to 1,132
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
2 months free
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
30% annual Plan, save up to 568
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off on monthly pro plan, save up to 147
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% discount for startups with less than 2 million in funding.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$500 in Work Visa Credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
93% off to early stage startups!
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
150 for Team Business and Enterprise Plans
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off Startups Plan for 6 months, save up to 597
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Switch from Brex get $100
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$21,000 of Value
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
120,000 in Azure Cloud Credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startups that work with our global partners receive a $1,000 credit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Eligible startups get $50,000 in credits towards the Mixpanel Growth plan.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
1 year free on any annual plan, save up to 680
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
3,600 in credits for MongoDB Atlas
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$1000 USD credit towards any team based plan
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off first hire and 15% off all next hires for 12 months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
40% on 12 months, up to 2 users, save up to 360.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$500 off first employee + 1 month free lead generation specialist (with a team of at least 3 people)
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
120,000 in OVHcloud credits
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% on 3 months Business Plan, save up to 88
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
25% on any plans for 12 months, saves up to 2,000
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
$200 a month discount
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
6 months free trial + 6 months 50% off
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off, for 3 months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
25% off for 12 months
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Eligible startups get 12 months of free Retool credits (up to $1200 total value).
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
14 day free trial and a 20% discount
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Eligible startups get $25,000 in Segment credits to use on our team plan.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
1 month free on Guru Plan
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off any plan for 12 months, save up to 75
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
15% off
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
3 months free or 70% off for 1 year
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
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Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
The Unlimited plan free for 1 year, save up to 60
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off on the annual plus and exclusive zero
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off across all hosting plans, save up to 350
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% Discount for 6 months
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
50% off annual Plan, save up to 354
Idea,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
First $2,500 per month of cloud costs tracked for free
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Three Months Free
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
6 months free on Premium Plan, save 180
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Two Months Free
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
6 months free of both the Zendesk Suite and Sales CRM, saves up to 1200
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
10% off
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Accelerator
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Male,Women and girls of color,Latino/a/x
Pre-Accelerator,Startup Program
Accelerator,Startup Program
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Onboarding Concierge team can match your organization with the technical software, services, consulting resources, software grants and discounts that will help increase the impact of your mission.
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Women and girls of color,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,VC Investment,Impact Investment
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Idea
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Early Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,POC,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Women and girls of color,Black or African American
Pitch,Showcase,Impact Investment
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Veteran,Military Veterans
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,POC,Women,Latino/a/x,Black or African American
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,American Indians or Native Americans,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Vital Prize Challenge
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,VC Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Impact Investment,Startup Program
Seed Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Angel Investment
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
The Workers Lab
Pitch,Impact Investment
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Startup Program
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase,#r27
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup Program,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Grant,Pitch,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit
POC,Black or African American
Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,POC
Idea,Seed Stage
Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,POC
Black or African American ,POC,Male,Women and girls of color
Startup Program,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup Program,Showcase,Pitch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Startup Program,Pitch,Showcase,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Impact Investment,Grant
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,POC,Latino/a/x
Pitch,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Impact Investment,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Grant,Startup Program
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC
Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Pitch,Showcase,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Growth Stage
POC,Women and girls of color,Black or African American
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Pitch,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment
Concept,Seed Stage
Accelerator,Corporate Innovation,Showcase
Idea,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Early Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,POC
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,POC,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Women,Women and girls of color
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Grant
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Pitch,Impact Investment,Grant
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Male,POC,Formerly Incarcerated ,Women
Corporate Innovation,Pitch,Showcase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Accelerator,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Accelerator,Startup Program
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Biashara Africa: E-Commerce 4 Small Businesses
Pitch,Angel Investment,Pre-Accelerator,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Black or African American ,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,LBGTQ,POC,Under-represented Investors ,Under Represented Founders
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Concept,Idea
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Under Represented Founders,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,Women,Under-represented Investors
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,Women
Grant,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Mentor
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Male,Women
Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,American Indians or Native Americans,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,Women and girls of color,Male
Seed Stage,Concept,Idea
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Women
Accelerator,VC Investment
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Individual,Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Startup Program,Pitch
Main Street,Startup,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Male,Women
Women and girls of color,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Male,POC,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Individual,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Pitch,Angel Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Male,Women
Corporate Innovation,Impact Investment
Early Stage,Growth Stage,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Corporate Innovation,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Concept
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,POC,Male,Women and girls of color
Grant,Corporate Innovation
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Women
Black or African American ,POC,Women and girls of color
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Growth Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Impact Investment
Concept,Growth Stage
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,Women
Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Angel Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Main Street,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,Networking
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Seed Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Growth Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Male,Immigrants, Canadians,Under Represented Founders
Grant,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Male,Women and girls of color
Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,VC Investment
Pitch,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Main Street,Individual,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Immigrants, Canadians,Women
Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Male,POC,Women and girls of color
Non Profit,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Grant
Idea,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,POC,Women,Women and girls of color
VC Investment,Showcase
Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Grant
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,VC Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Showcase
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Angel Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
VC Investment,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Pre-Accelerator,Impact Investment
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Concept,Idea,Seed Stage
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Startup Program
Black or African American ,POC,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Accelerator
Black or African American ,POC
Startup,Non Profit
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,POC,Under-represented Investors
Grant,Showcase,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Non Profit
POC,Under-represented Investors ,Black or African American
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Startup,Main Street
Formerly Incarcerated ,Black or African American
Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Grant
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Grant
Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Corporate Innovation,Pitch
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,POC
Concept,Idea,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Concept,Idea,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Pitch,VC Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women,POC,Male,Women and girls of color
Impact Investment,Showcase
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Male,Veteran,POC,Women
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Women and girls of color,Black or African American ,Women,POC
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,In-Kind,Showcase,Work Space,Mentor,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator,Incubator,Corporate Innovation,Workforce,Loan,Fellowship,Prizes,Boot Camp,Networking,Training,Consortium
Main Street,Individual
Impact Investment,VC Investment
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Individual,Non Profit,Main Street
Black or African American ,POC,American Indians or Native Americans,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,Impact Investment
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,Male,Women,POC
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Pitch,Impact Investment
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Idea,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Under-represented Investors ,Military Veterans ,LBGTQ,Veteran,POC,Under Represented Founders
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Main Street,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Male,POC
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Women and girls of color,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Grant,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,POC
Individual,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Showcase,Impact Investment,Accelerator,Grant
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Mentor,Accelerator
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Incubator,Pitch,VC Investment
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,VC Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Under-represented Investors ,Latino/a/x
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Idea,Concept
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Impact Investment,Pitch,Showcase,Accelerator
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Accelerator,Pitch,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Angel Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Impact Investment
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment
Main Street,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator,Event,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Event
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Event,Showcase
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,MVP,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Event,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Event,Startup Program
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Women,Immigrants, Canadians,Women and girls of color
Pitch,Event,Startup Program
Women and girls of color,Women
Individual,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Pitch,Event,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,VC Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Women and girls of color,Women
Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Showcase
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Pitch,Grant,Showcase,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Event
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage,Exit phase
Startup,Individual,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,South Asian,Latino/a/x
Grant,Corporate Innovation,Fellowship
Early Stage,Idea,Concept
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,American Indians or Native Americans
Grant,VC Investment
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Grant
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Individual,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment,Showcase
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Showcase,VC Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Growth Stage
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Pitch,Grant,Impact Investment
Main Street,Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Angel Investment,Impact Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Idea
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Women and girls of color,POC
Grant,Showcase,VC Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Women and girls of color,Latino/a/x,East Asian
Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,Prizes
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Training,Workforce,Accelerator,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Startup Program
Early Stage,Growth Stage,Idea,Concept
Startup,Main Street,Individual,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup Program,Accelerator
Early Stage,Idea
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Grant,Startup Program,Accelerator
Early Stage,Seed Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,VC Investment,Pre-Accelerator
Idea,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Accelerator,Impact Investment
Idea,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,VC Investment,Mentor,Startup Program,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Corporate Innovation,Showcase,Accelerator
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Non Profit,Startup,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Grant,Impact Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Individual,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Work Space
Idea,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Impact Investment,cohorts,Startup Program
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Male,Women and girls of color
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Pitch,Startup Program
Non Profit,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Male,Women and girls of color,Military Veterans
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street
Women and girls of color,Women
Accelerator,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Entrepreneurs,Individual,Non Profit,Startup
Women and girls of color,Women
Startup,Non Profit,Individual
Women and girls of color,Women
Grant,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Corporate Innovation,Incubator
Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Corporate Innovation,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Grant,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Main Street,Individual,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Women and girls of color,Male,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Women,Ages 15-24
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,POC,Women
Prizes,Impact Investment
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,POC,Women
Event,Startup Program
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,South Asian,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Seed Stage,Idea,Concept
POC,Women,Male,Women and girls of color,South Asian,Latino/a/x,East Asian,Black or African American ,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,POC,American Indians or Native Americans
Event,Startup Program
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Event,Startup Program
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Exit phase
Women and girls of color,South Asian,Latino/a/x,East Asian,Black or African American ,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Startup,Main Street,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
VC Investment,Impact Investment
Pitch,Impact Investment,Corporate Innovation
Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
POC,Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Ages 15-24 ,Black or African American ,POC
Pitch,Impact Investment
Concept,Idea,Growth Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,Women
Pitch,Impact Investment,Training,Corporate Innovation,Incubator
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Male,POC
Accelerator,Corporate Innovation,Fellowship,Networking
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Women and girls of color,Ages 15-24 ,Black or African American ,Women
Pitch,Showcase,Angel Investment,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Showcase,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Fellowship,Corporate Innovation,Impact Investment
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Non-binary
Pre-Accelerator,Impact Investment,Accelerator
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Entrepreneurs,Startup,Main Street
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,Women,Under Represented Founders
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Early Stage,Concept
Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color,LBGTQ,Women
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Startup,Non Profit,Individual
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,MVP,Early Stage
Main Street,Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,VC Investment,Angel Investment
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Black or African American ,Women and girls of color
Idea,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Startup,Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Early Stage,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Showcase,VC Investment,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
VC Investment,Corporate Innovation
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Corporate Innovation
Early Stage,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Early Stage
Women and girls of color,Women
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Growth Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Event,Startup Program
Idea,Concept,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Grant,Boot Camp
Women,Women and girls of color
Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Non Profit,Entrepreneurs,Startup
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Grant,Impact Investment
Individual,Main Street,Non Profit
Women,Women and girls of color
Grant,Impact Investment
Concept,Seed Stage,Early Stage
Black or African American ,POC,Male,Women
Pitch,VC Investment,Impact Investment
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Grant,Corporate Innovation
Main Street,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pitch,Showcase,Startup Program,Accelerator
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Seed Stage
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Pre-Accelerator,Accelerator,Corporate Innovation
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Early Stage
Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Women,Women and girls of color
Idea,Concept,Early Stage
Startup,Non Profit
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
100000 AWS Credits
Grant,In-Kind,Accelerator,Startup Program,Training
MVP,Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Black or African American ,East Asian,Latino/a/x,South Asian,Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander,Women and girls of color,Male,Veteran,LBGTQ,American Indians or Native Americans,First Nations,Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives,POC,Military Veterans ,Formerly Incarcerated ,Under-represented Investors ,People with Disabilities,Under Represented Founders,Immigrants, Canadians,Non-binary,Women,Ages 15-24
Black or African American ,Latino/a/x,Veteran
Introducing DataKind Learning Circles
Impact Investment,Consortium
Non Profit,Startup
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Idea,Concept,MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Startup,Main Street,Non Profit,Individual,Entrepreneurs
Venture Connect
Pitch,Startup Program
MVP,Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Oceantic Network
Pitch,Startup Program
"eMerge Americas Accelerator
Startup Program,Accelerator
NextEra Energy Investments (NEI)
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Startup,Non Profit
LinkedIn for Nonprofits Resource Hub.
Startup Program,Mentor
Non Profit,Startup
Helen Diller Family Foundation
Our Grants
The Bob Woodruff Foundation
The Powering Climate & Infrastructure Careers
Non Profit,Entrepreneurs
100x Impact Accelerator Programme
£150K grant
Entrepreneurs,Non Profit
The William Talbott Hillman Foundation
$5 to $50 million
InnovAction Awards—Access to Justice
“Floating Wind Co-use Competition”
2024 Company Showcase! Venture Connect
Pitch,Showcase,Startup Program
The LabStart Team
Pitch,cohorts,Startup Program
Oceantic Network
Startup Program,Pitch
Miami International Airport (MIA)
Early Stage,Growth Stage
eMerge Americas Accelerator
Early Stage,Growth Stage
ServiceNow's Generative AI
100x Impact Accelerator
£150K grant
New Earth Foundation
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity
Women,Under Represented Founders
Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood
$25,000 to $100,000
India’s Open Challenge Programs (OCP) 1.0
Training,Startup Program
The Motion Driven by Heart™
The Orange Corners Incubation Programme
“ChangeMakers Seed Funding Contest 2024”
Seed Stage,Early Stage,Growth Stage
Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund
Non Profit,Startup
The 2024 Rice Business Plan Competition
$1.5 million
Startup Program,Pitch,Mentor
Flourish Africa Grant for Female Entrepreneurs
Mentor,Startup Program
Women,Women and girls of color
National Highways Hazard Protection on Roads Accelerator
Seedbed Incubator
Under Represented Founders,Women
The CCMF Professional Programme
The CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator Program
Accelerator,cohorts,Startup Program
“ChangeMakers Seed Funding Contest 2024”
Early Stage,Seed Stage,Growth Stage
Southeast at Venture Connect
Pitch,Startup Program
Boundless Futures Foundation
Entrepreneurs,Non Profit
$40,000 i
Venture Lane Studio
Early Stage,Growth Stage
Early Stage,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch,Seed Stage
PBPA’s Black-Led Nonprofit Legal Bootcamp
Boot Camp,Training
MVP,Pre-Seed Stage (PSS) Launch
Connect Ventures
Startup Program,Incubator,Training