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The Economic Freedom

I still treasure the memories of my childhood. Sunny forest, I am 12, my brother 14 and my mom gathering some wildberries to eat it with bread. Was that the only food for that week? I was happy at the forest, but I was crying afterwards: Why my beloved parents lost their engineering jobs, and money in hyperinflation. Why they were tortured by their inability to buy food for me and my brother?
That was the reason why I started to study economics and figure out the economic freedom concept. In particular, my parents and 140+ millions Russians did not have a vital economic freedom: protected property rights on their money.
My parents’ money were stripped by the central bank. The bank printed money to lend to central banker friends. Many of them massively bought dollars and assets, grilling hyperinflation of nearly 1000%. They would-sell some assets in a year with c.1000% profit to return worthless rubles to the bank. They would do everything to keep his friend to reign the bank, so those who understands what is going on are too weak to push him out of the chair. The central banker was called the .

Lack of property rights, free trade and investments makes 6 bn 20x below their potential
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