Project Name: Elysian Fields

Project Owner:
@Adam Davis

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Required permits don’t get approved
Need specific building permits to start laying groundwork, but this may get held up by city council.
Buck Dubois
3 - Likely
1 - Low
100 days
Work with Chuck to ensure permits are approved
Bank rejects land loan
Not many banks are providing loans for risky development projects.
Maria Marquis
4 - Most Likely
3 - High
100 days
Find banks outside of the U.S. that are willing to provide loan.
Treasury secretary doesn’t approve new funding
Qatar Bank may provide additional funding, but requires approval from the Treasury secretary.
Lawrence Fitzgerald
2 - Unlikely
4 - Very High
50 days
Chuck to apply pressure given the the knowledge he has about the secretary’s Cayman Island holdings.
Sacker doesn’t agree to place pin on Connerty’s coat
In order to get Jock, we need to get audio from him directing Connerty to unseal evidence.
Lola Tseudonym
1 - Most Unlikely
3 - High
10 days
Appeal to Sacker’s emotional side to get her to agree to work with us.
Wiretap in home doesn’t pick up audio
We need to incriminate Connerty that he’s unsealing evidence, but the mics in our house may not work correctly.
Adam Davis
1 - Most Unlikely
4 - Very High
15 days
Can test out similar mics beforehand
Judge DiGiulio doesn’t arrive on time to candy store
If DiGiulio doesn’t show up at the candy store on time, Connerty won’t be able to get the evidence he needs to secure wiretap from Judge Funt.
Mary Jones
Project Management
2 - Unlikely
2 - Moderate
5 days
Send DiGiulio a text one hour before the meeting time.
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