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Run a Restaurant on Coda

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Just one HQ

My quest to build simple apps to run a small business.
Last year my dad and I embarked on a journey to open a restaurant/bar/live music venue. I know, not the typical thing to work on during a global pandemic, but it had been in the works since 2019, and last year was our runway to get everything together ー a core team, permits, contractors, vendors, etc.
Through each step of the process, the information that we were collecting and organizing was scattered across a combination of folders, documents, spreadsheets and conversation threads. I became increasingly frustrated that there wasn’t just ONE, centralized solution I could use for everything ー that is, until I found Coda. On this one platform I can collect documentation, gather info through forms, store data, save documents and create & share content.
The docs linked below are a few of the “apps” I’ve built so far to help run our restaurant, from a strategic and operational perspective. Most are widely applicable and could be used by any small business. Please take a look, copy and personalize for your organization’s needs! I’d love to get feedback and ideas from other small business owners & anyone who is striving to centralize operations.
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Stay tuned for more, including a vendor analysis template & employee performance tracker.
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