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Konohaven Info & Guide
Konohaven Info & Guide

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Simple Voice Chat [1.20.2-2.4.xx]

Proximity chat information for our server and how to install.
Last edited 161 days ago by Konohaven SMP
Simple Voice Chat is a proximity chat mod that allows you to talk and/or join group chat with other players in-game who also have this mod. This mod also enables you to listen to custom music discs or custom goat horn sounds via our mod. Installing this mod is not required but highly recommended for an enhanced game play experience.

This mod requires , , or loader installed in your client to run.


To learn more or download this mod, .

Be sure to select the right version for your loader. We currently run version 1.20.2-2.4.xx which is required for compatibility with our server.

After your Simple Voice Chat mod is installed, a window may pop up asking for mic permissions when you join our server. Allow if prompted.


In-Game Commands

To change settings press V in game.
To view groups, press G in game.
To mute, press M in game.
By default, voice is activated by a key-bind using CAP LOCKS. You can change to voice activation through settings by pressing V in game.
Note: If you have other client mods installed, be sure to check your key binds in the player settings for potential conflicts.


Need help installing a mod for the first time?

Follow the steps below. We recommend Fabric as your mod loader.

How to Install Fabric and Simple Voice Chat

1) Download both files from the following websites below (clickable link).

2) Open fabric-installer file and then click Install.

Note: The version in the image may be outdated.

3) Place the following file you have downloaded into the Minecraft mods folder.

Need help finding your Minecraft mods folder?
Windows: You can press the (⊞ Windows + R) or type run in the bottom search bar to open the dialog and type %appdata%\.minecraft then click OK. After that, open the mods folder. If you do not see the mods folder, create a folder called mods in the .minecraft folder. (Note .minecraft contains the dot)
Mac: You can press the (⌘ Command + Space Bar) or click on 🔍 at the top menu bar to open the dialog and type ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft, then click on the minecraft folder to open. After that, open the mods folder. If you do not see the mods folder, create a folder called mods in the /minecraft folder.

4) Open your Minecraft launcher and select fabric-loader-1.20.2, then press PLAY.

Note: The version in the image may be outdated.
And that is it! You are finally done. Now you can voice chat in-game with other players.


Need to use OptiFine with Fabric loader? Consider the two options below.

1️⃣ Download mod and .
After downloading, open the OptiFine jar file. Then click Extract.
Then grab and place the extracted OptiFine~~~MOD.jar and OptiFabric~~.jar files into the mods folder.
Do not place the un-extracted OptiFine jar file (without the __MOD.jar) you have just downloaded into the mods folder as it will most likely fail to run.
2️⃣ Download mod (Recommended).
Alternatively, get mod since it generally has better performance (higher FPS), quicker updates, and better compatibility with other mods compared to OptiFine.
You may need to download other mods like if you want dynamic lights back as it is only a bare-bones replacement to OptiFine. For more information about alternative mod add-ons to OptiFine, .

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