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Veggie Plotter

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Veggie Plotter

A tool for planning and tracking your vegetable garden 👩‍🌾🪴


Veggie Plotter is a gardening platform that offers a range of functionality to help people plan, grow, and maintain their own vegetable gardens. 🥦
The doc provides a variety of tools to help gardeners plan their gardening spaces, track progress and yield, and stay on top of routine activities. 💪 Veggie Plotter is designed to be a one-stop-shop for beginner gardeners, providing all the help they need to grow healthy and abundant vegetable gardens.

How to use

Visit the page and create your first plan! Configure when you want to begin planting based on your local area’s last frost date 🥶 and start adding crops to your garden. You can create multiple garden plans if you have different spaces, or make multiple garden plans for the same space, it’s all up to you.
Review your and ensure their watering, fertilizing, and pest control schedules are configured correctly. ✅ An automation runs hourly that will begin scheduling your gardening activities for you until each crop’s harvest date. Rate your yields come harvest to find a routine that works best for you and your climate. ⭐️
Stay on top of gardening by setting up automatic reminders when tasks come due. 📆 Specify how soon you want to be notified, and even customize the message being sent by modifying the message formula.
Stop by the page to see a summary of your favorite garden plans, upcoming activities, and crop timelines.

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